New Beginnings

This is a time of year, when there are a lot of "new" things going on. A lot of people want to start fresh, wether that be in new relationships or their careers. I ALWAYS think of new goals that I want to achieve on New Years...or around the end of each year. I'm embarassed to say that I very rarely ever follow through with the goals that I have set. So, I ask myself why...why can I NOT achieve these goals? So because of frustration( and a little bit of bordom :) I looked up some information on goal setting. I found this little bit that I found when I googled "what is a goal" :

"Long term achievements rely on short-term achievements. Emotional control over the small moments of the single day makes a big difference in the long term.

One formula for achievement reads A= I*M[citation needed] where A = achievement, I = intelligence, and M = motivation. When motivation equals zero, achievement always equals zero, no matter the degree of intelligence. Similarly for intelligence: if intelligence equals zero, achievement always equals zero. The higher the combination of both intelligence and the motivation, the higher the achievements."

SOOOO...this year there are going to be changes in my life, and I am going to accomplish the goals that I make. Not by saying by June 2011 I want to loose 20 pounds...but by saying each day I am going to make a goal to drink a little more water, or choose not to eat after 6:00pm(this of course is an example). I am going to ponder and study my scriptures each day. Even if that means reading 2 Verses...yes I said 2! I'm going to become closer to my Father In Heaven, and try to be the best person that I can be. I know that by making smaller goals, I'll be able to acheieve the big ones.

I Believe that Dreams are just goals that we make...that we never accomplish. So with a full heart and an excited frame of mind, I'm going to take one step forward and not look back. The future can bea a beautiful one, if that's what I want...and it is what I want.

I have been blessed with so many things this year, and to not thank my Heavenly Father would be very selfish and ungrateful. I am thankful first and formost for my Husband...for without him, my life would not be life. I am thankful that we were able to get his Perm. Residence taken care of, and that we don't have to worry about being seperated. I'm thankful for my bounty, for our families, and for my Savior.

Life is to not be endured, but to be enjoyed. Happy New Years to all!!!)


Anonymous said…
Well put Mindy! I hope all of your goals become reality~! Happy New year to you and Richard!
Love you guys!!!
Chrissy and family

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