Would ya look at that...!

Ok, so this is just a quick post...that no one but myself may really care about.   So since we've been back from California, life has been SO BUSY and in the midst of everything I now have the flu.  YUCK!  It's no fun I will tell you that, and I'll spare you of all the gory details, haha.  I decided not to go to church today because I felt so miserable, but feel like I'm going stir crazy in the house, so I made a breakfast quiche. I made the crust from scratch and it actually tasted REALLY good (if I do say so myself :)  I wanted to upload some pics of it...just because I'm proud of myself.  This may not be a big deal to many people, but I feel like for me to make something like this...and have it taste good is definitely an accomplishment!  

Bon appetite!)

                  The homemade crust...oooh I know it's not too pretty but it tasted mighty fine!)



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