
Hello all!!!

Wow...can you believe that is is May already?  OH...and we're not just in May...but we're over half way through it!  Nutso! 
This year has just been flying by. 

Well...last weekend was our first camp-out of the season, and it was a blast!  My mom and dad, Sister Miranda and her family, and Richard and I all went.  We didn't go to far, just a really nice campsite in Raymond. 

It was so much fun!  I sure love camping(as long as we're in a nice warm camping trailer-where it's more cozy, and there's less dirt and less bugs!!!  The weather wasn't the greatest, but we dealt with it, and still had fun.  Richard and I(and anyone else that wants to tag along)...are going to try to go camping every other weekend this summer.  We really want to get use out of our camper trailer.

That leads me to my next exciting pieces of news(that most of you will probably already know about) is that we traded in our Mazda Car for a Dodge Ram 1500 Truck!  Why you may ask? Because we can...and because it's fun!!!  HEY...we needed something to haul around our trailer right?? Right!)

We got the new truck a little over a week ago, and it's been lots of fun.  It's strange driving such a large vehicle compared to our car(that we traded it)...but it's awesome. 

Richard and I are busy getting outside projects done at the moment.  We have to fix our green house(where we keep all of our storage), Richard has already built our new front little deck area, working on the trailer, trying to get our fence finished off, we need to move our shed and level the yard out so we can plant new grass seed!  Geesh, do we have enough to do? 

But over all life is good.  We are very blessed with the opportunity to make these changes in our lives, and to provide for ourselves.  We feel very blessed with having this ability.

July 1st week we are going to be traveling to Idaho for a 1st time Family Reunion with the fabulous Roth clan an I must  say that I am super excited.  If you have any fun ideas on things we can do for super cheap...pass along your ideas!

Well, I'm gonna jet now.  I know this has been a bit boring....but there's nothing too exciting to discuss.  When I have something brilliant to discuss I will make sure to post. 



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