Count your Many Blessings...

Today is a post about blessings....and how thankful I am for mine. 

Some of my most tressured blessings are:

*My Heavenly Father & Savior- and the knowledge that I have been blessed with in regards to Religion.

*My husband

*My Family(both My side and Richards :)

*MUSIC....MUSIC....MUSIC!!!! Oh how I love music.

*My home

*Having a reliable vehicle

*Our Kitties :)

*My Friends

*The opportunity that I have to live in a free country

and this list goes on...and on...and on.

What brought this topic up?  Well both Richard and I got a raise today at work...and I have to say I am so thankful!  It really is appreciated by us and we both feel so blessed to work for such a great company who really cares about their employees.  

Richard and I were talking about this other day...and how it's so easy to just want "more".  For example, you get something which is "more" than what you're used to(like a vacation)...and after getting used to the still want "MORE".  Sometimes I think we just need to step back and remember what we have, enjoy thankful for it.  I think that for both Richard and I, we would truly enjoy the blessings we have more in our life if we stopped wanting "more"(and usually those extra things we want more of are things that don't really matter).  

That's me...standing on my soap box today.  Moral of the story?  Focus on the blessings you have and enjoy them..

Night all :)


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