
Showing posts from June, 2014

And....we're off...almost.

Wow...what a busy week. As a lot of you may know, we are preparing for our now annual Roth Family Reunion.  We are totally pumped and excited....however, I DO NOT remember it being this much work to get ready. I have had quite a little work out tonight packing up our trailer and getting it prepared.  We are leaving Thursday evening, right after work.  We'll drive 1/2 way to Helena Montana, and then stay the night at a Wal-mart(I know right??).  Then...we'll get up and finish our adventure to Idaho Friday morning. We are so excited...we can HARDLY contain ourselves.  Have I slept in the past 3 nights??  Heck no.  I wish.  I feel like a little child on Christmas Eve...and it's like torture waiting to go. That's really what we've been up to over the past's just been busy getting things ready. Now on a different note... This past week I have been thinking a lot about that little voice on our shoulder, that reminds us when something is right, an


My dad and I Happy Fathers Day!!! I wanted to share thoughts with you on on Fathers Day, as it is tomorrow.  One of the greatest privileges, and responsibilities on this earth(in my opinion) is being a father. Of course, I am not a father, so I cannot tell you what it's like, BUT I can share with you my experiences as a daughter...of one of the finest men I know. I love my dad.  How lucky am be Con Cole's daughter...seriously!  My dad is just one awesome man. I cannot, and would not...EVER...ask for any better of a father. My Father is... *Selfless...he would literally give you the shirt off of his back.  I cannot count the amount of times as a child, as a teen, and even until this very day, where I have seen my father give to those in need.  He has built people furniture, he has bought those in need groceries, he dresses up as Santa Clause for YEARS...delivering gifts and visiting with the less fortunate, he has spent countless hours volunteering in t

Just do It!

Hey All! there are a few things I want to post about today.  First being the changes in our family that have taken place. So, my first blog post this year was back in April, and I shared with you all how we had some pretty BIG and EXCITING plans.  We had decided to sell our home, and live in our camper for a few months.  At that point, we prayed about it and decided it was what was right for us at that time. Well...some things out of our control have taken place, and therefore our plans have changed.  We know it's right. Basically to make a long story short, we are going to stay in our home, continue to update it, and finish reno's(hopefully within the next year) and make it how we want it.  We do not need some big luxurious home(even though it would be fabulous, I'm not gonna lie), but we have plenty for what we need.  We have some big projects that will take place, and when we start tackling them I will update you on our progress!!!) So today, I wante

Beach Hair...

Hi everyone. I wanted to share a quick post with you all tonight that I'm super excited about.  I have wanted to get "beachy waves" in my hair for SO LONG!  One of the popular fads right now is Sea Salt Spray.  The myth is it's supposed to add more texture to your hair, and add a lot of volume.  It's said that it gives you that look as if you've just been at the beach. I spent a decent amount of time online pricing these sea salt sprays out...and maybe I'm just cheap, but there is NO WAY I am spending $22.00 per bottle.  But I still REALLY wanted to try what did I do??  I made my own sea salt spray. I researched several different recipes, and found a combination that works well for me..and yesterday morning before church I whipped up a batch.  It was super easy and very inexpensive...especially if you already have all of the ingredients(which I did). This is what you need: *1 tbsp of Organic Coconut Oil(helps it to smell beachy, a