Just do It!

Hey All!

Okay...so there are a few things I want to post about today.  First being the changes in our family that have taken place.

So, my first blog post this year was back in April, and I shared with you all how we had some pretty BIG and EXCITING plans.  We had decided to sell our home, and live in our camper for a few months.  At that point, we prayed about it and decided it was what was right for us at that time.

Well...some things out of our control have taken place, and therefore our plans have changed.  We know it's right.

Basically to make a long story short, we are going to stay in our home, continue to update it, and finish reno's(hopefully within the next year) and make it how we want it.  We do not need some big luxurious home(even though it would be fabulous, I'm not gonna lie), but we have plenty for what we need.  We have some big projects that will take place, and when we start tackling them I will update you on our progress!!!)

So today, I wanted to talk about something very dear to my heart...SERVICE!

YES...I said it people...service.  Why is that so often when we hear that word, a lot of us cringe?  For those that are not a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Service is a very important part of our religion.  

Now, I will admit there have been many times that I have been asked to do service, and I do it...but begrudge it.  I know, I'm terrible!!!  I know I shouldn't have that attitude, but it happens.  I'm not perfect, and let's face it, most of us aren't.  But this quality of imperfection does not justify us in doing nothing...does it?  I certainly don't think so.

As I said earlier, I love service.  Before serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints( http://www.mormon.org/ ) , I would DREAM of being a missionary.  I would literally lay in bed at night, picturing myself helping others.  Not just teaching them about the Gospel, but also getting right down to the nitty gritty.  Mowing lawns for the elderly, cleaning a messy kitchen for someone that was ill, helping someone move, etc.  I mean I could go on and on with examples, but that's not what this is about.  It's the FEELING that I get when I serve.  It literally, 100%, fills my entire soul with joy.  To me, there is nothing more gratifying or rewarding, than helping someone.  

A few weeks ago my mom, dad, Richard and I were at Costco having lunch.  As we were eating our food, I noticed a lady carrying her food tray over to the table right infront of the table we were sitting at.  I noticed that one of her hands was not functional.  She started to struggle with getting her straw out of the paper wrapper, and she struggled to cut the hotdog she was going to eat.  So...we helped her.  Something that took us 2-3 minutes(LITERALLY).  It was nothing big, and I'm not saying we should be praised in any way, shape or form...but it made us feel good.  I know that this women appreciated it, and it felt SO good to help someone.  

Service doesn't have to be anything big or time consuming.  Make a point to smile at a stranger, hold a door open for someone that may have their arms full of groceries, send someone a card with words of encouragement that may be struggling, let someone in the isle at the grocery store behind you go first if they have less items then you do...there are opportunities for us to serve all around us. 

It can be hard sometimes to step out of the bubble we may be living in.  Most of us have really busy lives.    We can be so busy, wrapped up in our own lives, we don't really see anything else that's going on around us.  I get it...I am totally guilty of this...but I try.  

Now...here's a tough one.  We need to LEARN...and  BE OKAY with allowing people to serve US.  STOP and think about how GOOD you feel when someone allows YOU to serve THEM. By not allowing others that same opportunity to serve us, we take those moments of JOY and FULFILLMENT away.  It's okay to say "yes"...it really is.

There is this great movie I watched on NetFlix called "The Letter Writer".  It's a bit cheesy, but a great watch.  It's about a young troubled girl, who gets this mysterious letter in the mail.  The letter tells her how wonderful and special she is.  She goes on a mission to find out who sent it to her....and what she finds is truly amazing.  I do not want to spoil it for you, but I seriously would suggest watching it.  Your life will not be the same, and the desire to serve others will be flowing uncontrollably(it made me feel that way).

So get out there, and serve.  This world would be so much better, if we all took a few minutes a day to do something for someone else.  

No excuses, just DO IT!)


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