And....we're off...almost.

Wow...what a busy week.

As a lot of you may know, we are preparing for our now annual Roth Family Reunion.  We are totally pumped and excited....however, I DO NOT remember it being this much work to get ready.

I have had quite a little work out tonight packing up our trailer and getting it prepared.  We are leaving Thursday evening, right after work.  We'll drive 1/2 way to Helena Montana, and then stay the night at a Wal-mart(I know right??).  Then...we'll get up and finish our adventure to Idaho Friday morning.

We are so excited...we can HARDLY contain ourselves.  Have I slept in the past 3 nights??  Heck no.  I wish.  I feel like a little child on Christmas Eve...and it's like torture waiting to go.

That's really what we've been up to over the past's just been busy getting things ready.

Now on a different note...

This past week I have been thinking a lot about that little voice on our shoulder, that reminds us when something is right, and when something is wrong.  Some call it a conscience, some call it intuition, and some call it a gut instinct.  We probably all are familiar with Jiminy Cricket.  He helps Pinocchio choose the right.

Something that has always helped me in my life, is my personal Jiminy Cricket...for me I call it the Holy Ghost, which is one of my greatest blessings given to me from my Heavenly Father.  This blessing helps me to discern right from wrong.  It is SO TEMPTING to make the wrong choice.  I have started to make the wrong choice many times in my life, because it is just easy, and maybe I was just lazy...but thankfully, this voice inside of me says " seriously Melinda, are you really going to do that" or "just think of how crappy you're going to feel if you make that choice", or  "what would your Heavenly Father say to you if make this choice".  I want to always be proud of the decisions I make.  It may not be easy to choose the right, but it's worth it.

It would be so nice FOR ONCE, to justify making the wrong choice.  I thought we were supposed to enjoy life???  I thought this life was supposed to be EASY.... right....???  Of course I know that in the long run the right choices will bring me the greatest blessings.  I don't have to look back and feel a knot of guilt in my stomach because I made the wrong decision.  

Don't be scared to make the right choice.  Once you allow yourself to listen to your personal Jiminy Cricket, I believe you will become a stronger person.  You will know what is right, and wrong for you, and you will feel more firm in your convictions, whatever they may be.

So people...adios.  I will try and blog from Idaho Falls next week.  I hope you all have a fabulous Canada Day(for my Canadian Peeps), and for you that are American...happy 4th of July....we'll be partying with ya )

Love ya, and don't forget to CTR(choose the right)



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