
My dad and I

Happy Fathers Day!!!

I wanted to share thoughts with you on on Fathers Day, as it is tomorrow.  One of the greatest privileges, and responsibilities on this earth(in my opinion) is being a father.

Of course, I am not a father, so I cannot tell you what it's like, BUT I can share with you my experiences as a daughter...of one of the finest men I know.

I love my dad.  How lucky am I...to be Con Cole's daughter...seriously!  My dad is just one awesome man. I cannot, and would not...EVER...ask for any better of a father.

My Father is...

*Selfless...he would literally give you the shirt off of his back.  I cannot count the amount of times as a child, as a teen, and even until this very day, where I have seen my father give to those in need.  He has built people furniture, he has bought those in need groceries, he dresses up as Santa Clause for YEARS...delivering gifts and visiting with the less fortunate, he has spent countless hours volunteering in the different cities we have lived in with soccer..and seriously the list could go on.  My father is the finest example of selflesness.

*My father is HILARIOUS.  I must say, I have been truly blessed with the same sense of humor as my dad.  We find the same things funny(most of the time:), and are on the same page.  One of the bright spots of serving a Mission for the LDS church was getting my dads letters.  He made his own stationary.  He printed pictures on all of the envelopes and paper.  With these different pictures(which were clip-art pics), he would add some funny explanation for the picture.  For example...there was a pic of 3 old guys playing the banjo...and he said something like...BSB 10 years from now.  The list goes on, I cannot remember all of the words and pictures he added, but I remember how they made me felt.  One word...loved.

*A Family Man...nothing is more important to my dad then spending time with his family.  He thrives on it, I believe it's what makes him tick, it's what drives him to be a better person, and it helps him get through any difficult trials in his life.

Now, the list could go on and on about this man.  I am eternally grateful that he was chosen as my earthy father.  I could ask for no better man.

Now...there are many types of fathers in this world, and they are not just men who happen to be biologically yours.  To me, a father is someone who loves you as his own, who is an example, who encourages you to be the best you can be, who doesn't let you give up, and someone who makes you want to be a better person, just for knowing them.

I have many men in my life, who have been father like figures to me...

Fred and Melinda

Of course my Father-In-Law Fred, who is seriously an amazing man.  I cannot be more thankful to have been blessed with him as my father-in-law.  He is a very noble and valiant servant of the Lord, and time and time again I am thankful for his example in my life.

While serving as a Missionary for the LDS church, I was privileged to interact with hundreds of amazing individuals...and so many of them are dear to me.  There were times that I deeply missed my dad...and so I was very thankful to share a bond with different members, who helped to fill that void.
President and Sister Bricknell

I am thankful for my Mission President...President Bricknell.  Just thinking of this amazing man makes me want to cry.  I love President Bricknell.  He was/is truly a man of God.  I am so thankful for his kindness and love.  Showing me how to be a better person, and daughter of God.

Melinda and Scott

I am thankful for Scott Orr...oh how I love this man.  Scott and his wife Vickie were like second Parents to me while I served in Sugar City, Idaho.  He has such a wonderful spirit, and is such a wonderful man.  I know the Lord was looking out for me, when sending this couple into my life.  I thank my Father in Heaven often for allowing them to be apart of my life.

Jack and Ronda Hoover


I am thankful for Jack Hoover.  This is a man who allowed me in to his families home, to share some of the most spiritual experiences in my life with.  I love the Hoovers, to the depths of my soul.  We had so much fun, making over our home, having fun Hawaiian dinners, and most importantly becoming friends.  He is a great example to me of being real.

Theresa, Melinda,  Karen, Karisa,  Sid

I am so thankful for Sid Muir.  He was like a second Father to me in Rexburg, Idaho.  I cannot count how many hours we spent with the Muirs...for dinner, for family home evenings, doing service, teaching discussions, etc.  He has the greatest sense of humor, and he is a very faithful and humble man.

I am thankful for my Father in Heaven, who loves me for who I am, regardless of my faults and short comings.  We put so much emphasis on Fathers Day, as we should...but without our Heavenly Father...we wouldn't have our Earthly Fathers, so truly we should give thanks to Him, for the blessings in our lives.  I have come to know and believe that all good things in my life have come from my Heavenly Father.  I am very rich girl in deed.

I am thankful for all of the good men in my life, who show me, and remind me, how important and special Fatherhood is.

Richard and Melinda

I love my husband, and I am grateful for the
man he is.  There is no one on this earth, who has shown me what a man should, and can be, more then my husband.  I have seen him rise from the depths of hell, to becoming this amazing...and I mean AMAZING man.  I love him, God has blessed me with him...and he's mine for Eternity.

So wives, aunts, daughters, sons, cousins, and friends pay tribute today(and always) to the men in your life. Pay tribute to them, and thank them for the influence they have had in your lives.  I think that if we told these special men how valued they are, and how much we truly appreciate their efforts, it would help them rise to become even better men(if that's possible:).

Happy Fathers Day to all of the men that I cherish.  Thank-you for who you are.  I love you all!!!


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