Year of Tens...

Today I have been married to Richard for 10 years.  WOW...we joked about how were almost at that first milestone, for ages it seems.

Now that it's here, it's kind of strange(in a good way of course).  We have been through so much together, it's nuts to think it's been 10 years since we said our "I DO's".

I've told this story to many in the past, but I'll share some brief moments that some of you may not be aware of, on how Richard and I first met...and got married.

I was serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  At the time, I was serving in Idaho Falls , Idaho(p.s. I LOVE IDAHO!!!)

One night my companion and I were out teaching the Gospel, with the help of Jerelyn Roth (at that time was one of the ward missionaries).  I hadn't been feeling good that day, and as the night progressed I felt worse and worse(I felt a nasty cold coming on).  Sister Roth took us back
to her house to get some cough medicine.

THAT WAS IT....The first time Richard and I met.

This picture is the actual day I got sick and met Richard
(L-R - Matt, Fred, Richard, David...and Sister Song in front :)

Richard was not an active member of the Church at this time, in fact his family was deeply concerned for his welfare.  I believe that this was the day...our "moment in time" where everything was aligned, because today was the beginning of eternity(little did we know this of course).

My companion, Sister song, and I taught Richard a lesson.  The spirit was so incredibly strong.  We challenged him to church, and from that day forward brought 2 months of miracles.

Christmas Day, 2003 we visited many family members.  We were invited over to the Roths(they were AWESOME enough to let Sister Song call her family in Cambodia from there house).  Before we left there house, we decided to take some pictures in their back yard.  It was snowing...
beautiful...soft and fluffy snow flakes.  As I ran to put my phone on a timer, and ran back to Sister Song and Jenny(Richards sister)...I fell, and I fell hard.  I fell down the stairs in the back yard...cracking some rips and was bruised pretty badly.


I was due to go home only 2 months after this accident.  BUT...because of this accident I was unable to do anything really, so I went home 1 month away from my original release date.

I remember the last night I saw the Roths...

The entire family was huddled in the living room.  I had made them a bracelet each, designed to go along with particular scriptures.  I also gave them a Teddy Bear that had one of my name tags clipped on it(Yes...I know that is INCREDIBLY cheesy and dorky).

As we were sitting around the piano room, everyone took a turn holding this Teddy Bear...AND was Richards turn!!!

I will NEVER forget.

He took that bear....made sure I was looking, and hugged it...with this INTENSITY in his eyes that I will never forget.

NOW...don't you all go get your panties in a knot...I was 100% appropriate on my mission.  Nothing ever happened because I had WAY too much, love for myself and my Heavenly Father to be so selfish/foolish!!!

Back to the story, in that moment I knew that everything that had happened....was not by was DESTINY!  I knew that my Heavenly Father brought me to this home 2 months prior for a reason...and it wasn't just for cough syrup!

Less than eight months after returning home from my mission, Richard and I were married.  We went through  A LOT over those eight months...more then most would know.  We decided to get married on a Sunday and we were married 3 days later!  It was a very humble and modest wedding.

That day, I looked forward to our bright future, and have NEVER looked back.

I believe that in life, we do not know what we will go through, and the reason why we go through things.  I believe that if we let Him, the Lord has His hand, guiding us in the direction we should go.  It is our decision what path we take, but I believe that I was blessed this cold day in November 2003....for my Heavenly Fathers hand led me to the love of my life...and for the rest of my life I will hold my husbands hand...for better or for worse, for sick of for health...for Eternity....and beyond.


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