
Showing posts from 2018

You've got to....

Do you know why I love February?  Because it's a month dedicated to love.  Now I'm not talking about buying that "special someone" some chocolates or flowers.  Sure, it's nice to get flowers and chocolate right?!  Who doesn't love getting pampered with goodies?   I want to take a different direction with February...the love month.  I want to branch out a let me show you what I mean...and as cheesy as it is listen all the way through... you get where I'm going with things?  We need to show more love to each other!  How many times have we heard "if people would just show more love, more kindness this world would be a better place"?'s true isn't it?   February gives us an excuse to be better.  Not that we NEED a reason to show love, but it gives us a little push...a little shove in the right direction.  We don't need to only show love to those we know, but everyone around us.   This

Oh happy day...

Wow, what an awesome weekend!  I have to say it was very uplifting and just fun!!!  We had a Church women's conference on Saturday and the topics were fantastic...but I'll talk about them another time.  I wanted to quickly mention a few things this morning that light up my life. -Music- oh what joy it brings to my soul.  Isn't amazing what kind of effect music can have on us? It can either make me incredibly sad and emotional or have bursts of energy and make me instantly happy.  I know I speak of music a lot, but it plays a huge roll in my life.  I have my phone with over 1000 songs on it wherever I go.  I have some sort of speaker sound system in each room in our house so regardless of where  I am, I can play my music and play it loudly if I want to.  Or I have 2 pairs of headphones so in those moments where you know other people are sick of listening to the same music over and over again , I can still enjoy myself without pestering others :)  Music is a passion of mi


What is friendship?  Truly...what is it? To me, a friend is someone who makes you smile.  Who cares sincerely about you.  They take time out of their own lives to listen when you've had a bad day, or when something exciting is taking place.  They make you laugh.  They lend their shoulder for you to cry on.  A friend is someone who you can trust to tell your deepest, darkest secrets to.  A friend is being selfless, kind, compassionate and loving.   As I sit here, on my couch this lovely Sunday evening I cannot help but think of all of the friends that I have made over the years.  Some have come and gone throughout my life, but many of them still remain.  I have friends scattered about, and I feel blessed.  Each person has made a great impact on my life.  I wonder if we have any idea on the kind of way we can effect someone's life.  Do we?   What sparked this whole idea of this post tonight took place earlier this evening.  I happened to come across a pict

Who are you?

Yesterday's Sunday School class posed an important question....who are we?  Seriously, do YOU know?  It got me thinking.  Do you know who you are, and where you came from?  Why you're here?  Yes, those are pretty loaded questions.  I agree.  But you know what?  I know who I am. I am a child of God and He has sent me here.  He's given me an earlthy home with parents who are kind and dear.   This is truth.   I believe it.  For me, there's no doubt in my mind that this is reality.  How thankful I am to know these things.  There are many who live this earth, and leave this earth without this knowledge.  To me, this is sad.  I have to say that living this life, not knowing who we are would be like walking around, in the dark without any light to guide us.  We would be lost. I know that God exists.  I know that God loves us.  I know that God and His son are two separate beings, who want us to return back to live with them some day.   It is easy to forget our w

Happy 2018

Happy 2018 peeps!  What, I'd have to say that I'm more of a slacker than normal.  Look at me here, it's been over 1 year since I posted.  Actually it's closer to 2 years.  WOW!  Where does time go?  A lot has happened with us here, especially in 2017.  As I reflect on the past year, I cannot help but feel thankful.  Sure there were many trials and struggles but what I want to post about today is something that I feel thankful for. In February of 2017 I was called as a Relief Society teacher in our ward.  Relief Society is when the women in our church 18 years and older meet for the last hour of church(it's a 3hr block).  I was asked to be one of the teachers, and I teach the second Sunday of each month.  Every single month that I've taught has created some major stress and anxiety for me...and it's been one of the best things for me to go through!  Does that sound crazy or what?  You may be asking yourself what kind of nut case I am to enjoy feeling