
Showing posts from August, 2008
Miss them already... Today we went out to Magrath to visit mom and the kids. Since we're moving on Tuesday, we wanted to see them one more time before we left. I just can't get enough of those kids. We went to the Park in Magrath shortly after arriving, and then went for a while afterward to get an ice cream. Then we went back to my parents house for lunch, and had a picnic with the kids. They're so much fun, I'm really going to miss them. Oh, I love this picture. Madison and Richard have a bond, and it's so adorable! Here's Hayley. She sure loved taking pictures today. She's so beautiful! Here's my mom and Ace snuggling. He was smiling for the camera, but got shy at the last minute. Here's the five kids...Hayley, Easton, Mady, Ace and Ryan getting ready for lunch
I thought it might be fun to add some photos of one of my two best friends Chrissy and I when we were younger.We went to Chrissy's house tonight for a "goodbye" dinner, which we had lots of fun. So here's some photo's from years ago, and we took a few tonight as well. I can speak for myself when I says...such hideous clothes! I don't know why I liked that "Golden Shirt", but I did. Weirdo! The other picture is of Chrissy and I presenting our Pinocchio Play. We had a lot of fun with that. Here's some pics. that we took tonight: Here's some pictures of Richard with Chrissy's girls, Mackenzie and Avery...they're such great kids!!
No More BSB...:( Well, the dream is over. Ok, so I know that's pretty dramatic, and I am grateful for my blessings, it just really sucks that I don't get to go to my Backstreet Boys Concert anymore. We're moving up to Grande Prairie the same day I have my concert. It probably wouldn't suck so much, but I bought my tickets like 2 1/2 months ago so I've really been excited to go. I've tried to sell my tickets, but I know I won't be able to. If you know me well, you know that this really totally bites for me because THEY'RE MY FAVORITE GROUP EVER...for 12 years now!!!!!! But, I'll survive. If I had money, I'd hire people to drive our moving truck to Grande Prairie and we'd fly in, but that's not an option so I have to dream. Ah hoo to me! Look at the positive right?!
We went to park lake on our Anniversary. We just wanted to take some time to relax and do nothing. It was a lot of fun. We got a great spot in the shade and just hung out. That doesn't happy much, so we take advantage of it when it does.
GRANDE PRAIRIE HERE WE COME ... Well, we've been given the opportunity to transfer up to Grande Prairie! Grande Prairie is 10 hours North of Lethbridge(where we are now). We'll be moving in two weeks(Sept.2), yes I said TWO WEEKS!! It's quick isn't it?? But I'm actually glad it's sooner than later. We're really excited to start this new adventure in our lives. This will be such a great opportunity for us. The best thing we love about this job is that fact that we get to work together. Richard may be doing the maintenance work while I'm in the office, but we still work together as a team, and that to us is such a blessing. So, these next two weeks are going to be totally INSANE, but I guess that will make the weeks go by quickly. So, good luck to us, we're so excited!!!!
Four fantastic years... Wow, four years already! How blessed. Richard and I met while I was serving my Mission in Idaho. Here's how we met: One night my companion Sister Song and I were out with our Team Teacher(which just so happened to be Richards step mom). While our night was coming to an end, I started to get really sick. Sister Roth suggested we go to her house so I can get some medicine, so we did. That was when we met Richard. We started teaching him the discussions that night, and it was history from there. I came home on my mission January 14th, 2004 and we had our first date a few days later. I can't really describe how I knew that we were meant to be together, it was just a feeling, and I know that my Heavenly Father led me to him that night. So, after being home for about a month I moved to Idaho Falls and became a live in Nanny for a friend so that I could be closer to
So blessed Well, after 4 1/2 years in the making, we got Richards work permit today. It's so hard for me to be excited because it just doesn't feel real. We've dreamed about this day for so long that it seems like we're still dreaming. There's a few things that the Immigration office needs to finish up his permanent residence and then we should have that too. WOW! As much as we've complained or been discouraged, we know we are so blessed. Even though it's been really difficult at times, the Lord has blessed us in so many ways, and I am so grateful for all that He's given to us. It's been a bumpy road getting here, but I'm thankful for all the support we've been given from our Family and Friends!!! I'm so lucky and blessed to have the man I do, I love Richard so much and yes it's been a tough road but it's all been sooooo worth it! Love you baby!!!