Four fantastic years...

Wow, four years already! How blessed. Richard and I met while I was serving my Mission in Idaho. Here's how we met: One night my companion Sister Song and I were out with our Team Teacher(which just so happened to be Richards step mom). While our night was coming to an end, I started to get really sick. Sister Roth suggested we go to her house so I can get some medicine, so we did. That was when we met Richard.
We started teaching him the discussions that night, and it was history from there. I came home on my mission January 14th, 2004 and we had our first date a few days later. I can't really describe how I knew that we were meant to be together, it was just a feeling, and I know that my Heavenly Father led me to him that night.
So, after being home for about a month I moved to Idaho Falls and became a live in Nanny for a friend so that I could be closer to Richard. I lived there for 3 months, and then moved back home. Then Richard moved to Canada July 2004 and we were married of course August 18th. We were sealed in the Idaho Falls Temple October 2005. The years have flown by, I can't believe how quickly times goes. I am so lucky to be married to this wonderful man, and I'm so thankful that I get to spend eternity with him.

Some of the Things I LOVE about Richard....(in no particular order)

* How he makes me smile when I'm upset, he always finds a way to cheer me up
* He has so much determination and patience
* He's works so hard for our family
* He loves me unconditionally regardless of my flaws and imperfections
* When he talks about how we met, he gets emotional. I love to see him express his feelings.
* His desire to be obedient
* He has such a strong testimony
* He makes me want to be a better person
* When he loads up his arms with all of the groceries so that I don't have to carry anything... sounds silly but it means a lot to me
* He's so thoughtful of everyone around him
* He completes me in every way(and of course the list could go on)

We're a perfect match for each other. I know we were meant to be together, and I thank my Heavenly Father every day for blessing me with Richard.


Anonymous said…
Ok seriously stop it. I cried when I just read that! You are too cute you guys!!!

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