We went to park lake on our Anniversary. We just wanted to take some time to relax and do nothing. It was a lot of fun. We got a great spot in the shade and just hung out. That doesn't happy much, so we take advantage of it when it does.
Ok....so if you have not had the opportunity to watch Wreck it Ralph...you need to!!!! It is now one of our favorite movies. It has so much cute humor in it, plus a nice feel good story line. They have a "bad guys" group where they have meetings weekly to discuss their frustrations on being the bad guys. They all say a chant(if that's what you call it??) which is: "I'm Bad, and that's good, I will never be good and that's not bad, there's no one I'd rather be...than me". I love that. It says/means a lot in my opinion. Ralph is not bad...he's just the "bad guy" in his video game. He's got a good heart and a good soul. So... you are probably wondering why I'm posting about this right? I have really been trying hard lately to not just assume someone is what I think they are just by looking at them...you know the whole don't judge a book by it's cover kind of thing. It's working...
I sure wish that I was better at this...but here I am 6 months later...oops! Well it was a super busy summer. We put off doing any renos in our house and did outside renos. Our project this year was taking down our old fence, and putting up a new one. We unfortunately didn't get everything else done that we needed to. I'm sure we could have gotten the other projects done if money (which seems to ALWAYS be the problem right??!) hadn't have been in our way! But oh well..I'm thankful that we got as far as we did. This past week the weather started to get super cold, so I think that we're outta luck for finishing up anything else for outside this year. I am really excited.....because this is my favorite time of the year. Richard and I make our Halloween Costumes every year(at least this is the 4th year) and it's been so much fun. This year we're dressing up as Mario and Princess Peach. It's going to be great. So we've got that...
Well, as usual I've waited a long time to post something. Nothing really new or exciting has gone on, so I use that as an excuse I suppose. OF COURSE it's not a good excuse, but I use it as one none the less. Yest., was Magrath Days, and it was super fun! The parade was great. We sat with my parents and the Towells. After that, we had a nice lunch at my parents house, where everyone in the fam. was their. I was able to participate in something really fun in the afternoon. Back in November, 2008 our young womens class did a time capsule where we wrote letters to ourselves. Our teach at that time, also made a video of us during one of our activities. I must say, I was SUCH A DORK! But if that's the worst thing I can say, then I'm doing pretty good right?! Anyway, it was fun to read the words that I hoped for myself. Unfortunately, I didn't say much. But there were a few things that I did say, like : always treat others kindly, always love my family and sta...