Ok, so I've been kind of "Less Effective". We've been so busy lately we've hardly had the time to breathe! I took a few pics. yesterday of Grande Prairie. There are TONS of trees here, it's beautiful! Our apartment is right in the middle of just about everything, so it's really nice. We have a five minute drive to just about wherever we need to go. Here's some pics.

Just a few pics. of the trees...they're awesome!
Here's a picture of the Mission Heights Building that we take care of.

Ok, so you're probably wondering why I took a picture of Wa-Mart right? If you look to the left of Wal-Mart that is our apartment complex...where we live! Nice eh? I love how close we are, it's so conviently awesome!!

You should see the logs stacks they have here, it's amazing how many there are. We've been told that in the next few months there's TONS more, so it should be interesting to see.

Well, that's all for now. I'll get better and take some more pics. soon. I wanted to today, but it's rainy and cold here. Oh my gosh, we're supposed to get snow on Wednesday & Thursday! That's crazy!! You know what they say...and so it begins! I know, I'm a nerd.


Anonymous said…
Cool Pics Mindy:) So just because you live right next door to your fave shopping center doesn't mean you don't need your license!! LOL
And you're right, they look pretty much the same as the ones here in Lethbridge.
sunshinemomentz said…
yeah, I know Chrissy! It's definitely not my favorite shopping center! It's not even a super Wal-mart! Craziness! I know we were spoiled in Lethbridge.
britentj said…
Your house looks fabulous! WOW grande prairie! I came so close to living there before I moved to magrath!!!! Enjoy the adventure!

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