
Showing posts from November, 2008

The True Meaning of Christmas

So, this year besides trying to be smart with money, we're trying to focus more on the true meaning of Christmas. I absolutely love the above picture, because I think it tells us that we need to remember how and why Christmas even exists. We're only buying presents this year for our parents, because things get just too expensive. But we're really trying to focus on the giving part of Christmas, rather than the receiving, so we've decided to spend the money that we would spend on Christmas presents for each other, on a family that's in need. I'm actually really excited about doing this, I think it'll really help us get into the Christmas spirit, and it'll feel so great knowing that we are serving a family in need.
So tonight Richard and I took some pics, most of which turned out kinda icky but there are a few decent ones:) We took the pictures to put in our Christmas cards that we'll send to everyone.

The bestest Night!!!

WOW...not much more is really needing to be said, but of course I can't stop just there:) So, for starters we got awesome seats! We could see what was going on behind the stage and everything. The show started off with ??? I don't remember the groups name but I wasn't too impressed. She had a good voice, but it wasn't my taste. That started at 7:00pm. The opening act lasted for 30 minutes...and then we had to wait another 30 minutes for BSB to come out. awesome. They started off great, singing " Larger Than Life "...and then going into some new songs off the new album. They played a great variety of their songs, which I really appreciated. I mean, I love all of their songs and so it was nice to hear a bunch of the older ones too. We were told not to bring any cameras into the stadium, that's why I had my phone with me. BUT...people were snapping pics. left and right so I should have just brought it, but ah well. I'm glad that I ha

The End

Here's me after the concert. Richard is taping me. It's kinda hard to see.

More Than That's another one of me singing along

"You Can Let Go"...LOVE IT!

If I remember can hear them singing pretty good in this one. This is another awesome song on their "Unbreakable" CD

Nick Singing "Drowning"

I must apologize, because you can hear me singing in this's actually kinda funny I have to laugh at myself. But I guess that's part of being their right?!

The beginning of the Concert

So here's a video of the beginning of the concert....They start off by introducing each of the guys as "boxers", so that's why you see them in those outfits, and they're in a big boxing ring. I'm going to upload a bunch of videos that I recorded off of my phone...oops. I know I'm TERRIBLE...but I couldn't resist! P.S. I must apologize in advance for the loud screaming that you hear...that would be me:)
My Early Christmas Present Ok, so I am so excited...totally exhausted, yet really excited. I have about 18 hours until the concert. Well...we were about to go to bed tonight and then looked out our patio window to see that it had snown...a lot! So we decided to go out and shovel everything to make less work for us tomorrow:) So, yes I am off to bed in a few minutes. Ok, but back to BSB! I'm totally thrilled about going to the concert. I'm trying really hard not to think of it, because then the night will just drag by. Well, I'm off to bed. I'll be uploading whatever pics. I can take at the concert! Goodnight:)
Finally....our Apartment Well, here are some pictures from tonight of our apartment. We put up our Christmas tree last Saturday and started to decorate the apartment for Christmas. We put up Christmas lights on our patio window and can I tell you how much I LOVE the Christmas season?! It's so brace yourself I've got lots of pics. Yes, we even have some presents wrapped. Not for us, but they're all for my mom so far:) Our Cozy little living room... Our Kitchen.... Wow, this one is really dark...sorry Our Nativity Scene that I got from the Orrs Well, this is what it looks like outside right now from our patio window Here's a picture of part of our bedroom. It had good light in this picture, so I wanted to show you the color of paint that we used to paint our entire apartment. We absolutely love it!! Here's a picture of Wal-Mart from the window in our apartment building...SO CLOSE I still can't believe now close we are! Well, that's all of
YEAH!!! So here are some pictures of our office here...decorated for Halloween. I know we're past Halloween, but we wanted to show it off a bit:) Here's the door of the was fun So, we called this pirate guy Jack...I know we're dorky!) We loved this guy! He freaked me out a few times, but he's our favorite! Ok, here's our candy jar...yummy!!! More stuff... Well, that's it. It was fun decorating the office. I mean, we don't know anyone here yet in Grande Prairie, so it wouldn't have been much fun decorating our apartment with no one being able to see it. The tenants had fun with it too, we even handed out candy on Halloween night in the office.
Ok, so I know you're thinking that I'm nutso because I still haven't posted any current pictures. That would be because I cannot find my cord that goes from my camera to the computer! So...the pictures are coming, I just can't find the cord. Because we're still unpacking and getting settled I haven't gone through everything, so I'm going to try to tonight...keep your fingers crossed!)