The bestest Night!!!

WOW...not much more is really needing to be said, but of course I can't stop just there:)
So, for starters we got awesome seats! We could see what was going on behind the stage and everything. The show started off with ??? I don't remember the groups name but I wasn't too impressed. She had a good voice, but it wasn't my taste. That started at 7:00pm. The opening act lasted for 30 minutes...and then we had to wait another 30 minutes for BSB to come out. awesome. They started off great, singing " Larger Than Life "...and then going into some new songs off the new album. They played a great variety of their songs, which I really appreciated. I mean, I love all of their songs and so it was nice to hear a bunch of the older ones too. We were told not to bring any cameras into the stadium, that's why I had my phone with me. BUT...people were snapping pics. left and right so I should have just brought it, but ah well. I'm glad that I had my phone because I got to record lots! What a wonderful experience for me. As cheezy as it sounds, tonight confirmed to me why and how much I LOVE THE BACKSTREET BOYS! They're just a totally awesome group, that sings awesome music. I'm thankful to Richard for joining me. I know he wasn't thrilled to go, but regardless he still came and I appreciate him! It was so fun to sing along to all of the songs, not worried about anything but the music. So, I can't believe it's over. The countdown to the special even has gone, but that's ok. The next time they come here they can bet on my attendance and who knows, I may even go to some other concerts in the States??! We'll see. Well, I'd better go now. I am exhausted, and my ears are still ringing. My throat is KILLING ME, and telling me to get some rest. So, I'm going to listen and go to bed...Thanks BSB for being so great! Love you!!!!(yeah, I know I'm a dork but I just don't care!)

P.S. Here's a few pics. from the night:

Here you can see how close we are to the stage

Here's a picture of Brian

A picture of Nick

A pic. of A.J.

And of course a picture of Howie

Pretty Close eh?

And of course all of the boys...



I am so glad that you had a great time, and they lived up to your expectations! Your pictures are great, what wonderful seats!
sunshinemomentz said…
Thank-you! It was such a wonderful night! Of course I'm grateful that I was able to go, but I am so sad that it's all over ya know? But ah well, it was a great experience and I know I'm very blessed :)

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