Finally....our Apartment

Well, here are some pictures from tonight of our apartment. We put up our Christmas tree last Saturday and started to decorate the apartment for Christmas. We put up Christmas lights on our patio window and can I tell you how much I LOVE the Christmas season?! It's so brace yourself I've got lots of pics.

Yes, we even have some presents wrapped. Not for us, but they're all for my mom so far:)

Our Cozy little living room...

Our Kitchen....

Wow, this one is really dark...sorry

Our Nativity Scene that I got from the Orrs

Well, this is what it looks like outside right now from our patio window

Here's a picture of part of our bedroom. It had good light in this picture, so I wanted to show you the color of paint that we used to paint our entire apartment. We absolutely love it!!

Here's a picture of Wal-Mart from the window in our apartment building...SO CLOSE
I still can't believe now close we are!

Well, that's all of the pictures for now. At least I have my cord now, so I don't have any excuses not to take any pictures:)


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