happy birthday to my man...

Happy Birthday Richard!

Wow...THE BIG 29 lol! We are now the same age for SIX MONTHS!

So as I sit here, on the couch with the streamers/balloons up, pancakes and bacon cooked(Richards favorite b-day breakfast), while Richard is still snoring away I can't help but think of how grateful I am for today.


* We were able to meet on my Mission

* We have been been "together" for 8 years

* We have been married for 7 1/2 years

* my life is compelte

* our "someday" children will have the BESTEST FATHER EVER!

* my life has been changed forever!!

I love Richard, so much that it's nutso ...LOVELY!

There have been so many GREAT THINGS happening right now in our lives, and I'm so excited for 2011 because I get to spend another year with Richard!

Happy Birthday You!


Anonymous said…
You are so cute! Richard is very lucky to have you in his life too Mindy!!! Hope Richard had a great Birthday!

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