
Showing posts from August, 2015 we come

 The week didn't start off too awesome...when I tripped and fell at work and hurt my back.  Every other bone in my body is super sore.  Anyway...I'll survive.   I am so excited for our vacation.  We leave this afternoon.  We are heading to Great Falls for the night and leave early tomorrow morning.  We'll flight out of Great Falls, and have a stop in Seattle. Then we'll fly from Seattle to Portland.   I will upload lots of pictures while we're there or when I get home.  See ya'll later!!! Here are some pictures of the Beach house we rented: Here's the beach house we're staying in The kitchen.... Here's the view from our beach house View from the kitchen The Deck...and you can kind of see the view... sitting room view... The Hot tub The beach Awesome right?  Toodles!

By chance? I think not.

Do you ever meet someone and think to yourself "this was definitely not by chance"???  I had many experiences like this on my mission.  More than I can count, honestly.  It's one of those things where you know that you were meant to be in that exact spot, on that exact day, at that exact time.  Sure someone else could have filled your shoes....but could they...really???  I personally don't believe they could.   I believe that most things in life have a purpose.  I believe that each decision we make changes the course of our lives.   When serving with Sister Forrest for that too short of a week, she introduced me to one of her favorite families...the Muirs.  Out of the very few family wards I served in in Rexburg, the Muirs happened to be their Ward's Mission Leaders.  This is one amazing family.  I cannot tell you how many hours I spent with this family.  They were truly my family away from home.   They opened their homes, and their hearts to us.  They

Our Love Story...

It all started back in November 2003.  I was on my Mission, serving in Idaho Falls...and my companion was sweet Sister Song. I remember clearly when Sister Jerelyn Roth was called to be a ward missionary in Eastview First Ward.  I remember her telling us how scared she was to serve in this calling....but how thankful I am that she did!!! One night in November, she had taken both Sister Song and I out to do some team teaching(but this time the 3 of us stayed together).  Half way through the night I started to feel pretty miserable, so she took us back to her house to get some cough medicine.  Little did I know this was the night that would change the rest of my life. I remember it clearly.  Brother Roth(Fred), Richard, and Matt were at the Roth home.  They had just been eating supper...spaghetti(yes I actually remember this!). This was the first time we met some of Brother and Sister Roth's sons.  Richard was not active.  We were encouraged quietly to try and teach R


Hey! So I have a special "mission moments" blog that I'm excited to share with you all...but it's going to have to wait to be posted on Tuesday.  You'll see why then!!! toodles

Rexburg...part 1

I was transferred from Sugar City to Rexburg.  The funny thing about this transfer is that the two cities are only 10 minutes away from eachother. The first memory I have of Rexburg Idaho was when my sister Mellissa decided to go to school at Ricks College...which is in Rexburg.  We drove her down to school to drop her off.  There was a missionary my family knew well that served in Cambridge, so when we got to Rexburg to drop Mellissa off, we met up with him.  I remember going into a highschool that he worked at.  We walked through the hallways and it was SO WEIRD!  All of the floors were carpeted.  I'm not sure why, but I thought that was so odd.   Then when Mellissa was finishing up her school for the first year, I had the opportunity to go and visit her.  It was "mothers week" at Ricks College.  My mom couldn't attend, so I went instead.  It was so weird, but great!  It was neat to be in an LDS Community. Anyway...back to my mission.  The first companio