By chance? I think not.

Do you ever meet someone and think to yourself "this was definitely not by chance"???  I had many experiences like this on my mission.  More than I can count, honestly.  It's one of those things where you know that you were meant to be in that exact spot, on that exact day, at that exact time.  Sure someone else could have filled your shoes....but could they...really???  I personally don't believe they could.  

I believe that most things in life have a purpose.  I believe that each decision we make changes the course of our lives.  

When serving with Sister Forrest for that too short of a week, she introduced me to one of her favorite families...the Muirs.  Out of the very few family wards I served in in Rexburg, the Muirs happened to be their Ward's Mission Leaders.  This is one amazing family.  I cannot tell you how many hours I spent with this family.  They were truly my family away from home.  

They opened their homes, and their hearts to us.  They made us apart of their family.  They were such amazing Ward members.  I cannot count how many people they pointed us to...either to teach a lesson, or to give service to....not to mention how many times they fed us the most scrumptious meals.  We laughed with them, we cried with them.  We made memories.  Everlasting memories.  One of which is what I'd like to talk about tonight.

They introduced us to the Tolman family....Jason and Theresa...and their ADORABLE...and I do mean ADORABLE kiddos Kyler and Max.  We had the opportunity to teach Theresa the gospel.  Theresa is a lady with lots of spunk...and I mean that in a good way!  She doesn't try to sugar coat things, she tells you how it is.  That is one of the things I love about her.  She's totally honest with how she feels, and what she thinks.  I grew such a great bond with her.  The day I heard that she got baptized was one of the happiest days ever!  I truly wish I had been there.  I remember being told by the Muirs.  I automatically thought of one of my favorite scriptures, found in Alma 26:11

 "But Ammon said unto him: I do not boast in my own strength, nor in my own wisdom; but behold, my joy is full, yea, my heart is brim with joy, and I will rejoice in my God."

My joy was full!!!!!

There is nothing like sharing your testimony with someone.  There is nothing like sharing my love for the Savior, and for my Heavenly Father with someone. Sharing what I believe is truth.  Teaching that families can be together forever, through the ordinances of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And when you do have the opportunity to do these things, it is even more unexplainable how you see someone's life change from knowing these truths.  Then to see someone make that commitment, and take that opportunity to receive the full blessings that Heavenly Father is just begging to give them.  

Meeting the Muirs along with Theresa and her family was not by chance. I believe that Heavenly Father had it in the works from the day I sent off my mission papers.  

I am so thankful for the friendships I have made with these amazing wonderful people.  I love them so much!

Theresa, Me, Sister Muir, Karisa Muir and Brother Muir

Kyler Tolman and I

Teresa and I...having fun

Sister Hart, Kyler and Teresa

Kyler and I

Teresa and I

Karisa and I with a guest speaker(I cannot remember her name...sorry)

Karisa, Sister Muir, Myself, and Sister Kylers birthday party.

Myself with Karisa


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