Rexburg...part 1

I was transferred from Sugar City to Rexburg.  The funny thing about this transfer is that the two cities are only 10 minutes away from eachother.

The first memory I have of Rexburg Idaho was when my sister Mellissa decided to go to school at Ricks College...which is in Rexburg.  We drove her down to school to drop her off.  There was a missionary my family knew well that served in Cambridge, so when we got to Rexburg to drop Mellissa off, we met up with him.  I remember going into a highschool that he worked at.  We walked through the hallways and it was SO WEIRD!  All of the floors were carpeted.  I'm not sure why, but I thought that was so odd.  

Then when Mellissa was finishing up her school for the first year, I had the opportunity to go and visit her.  It was "mothers week" at Ricks College.  My mom couldn't attend, so I went instead.  It was so weird, but great!  It was neat to be in an LDS Community.

Anyway...back to my mission.  The first companion I had in Rexburg was Sister Forrest....what an amazing lady!  I only served with her for 1 week...but man did she teach me a lot.  She was/is so outgoing.  EVERYONE loved Sister Forrest.  It didn't matter where we went, you could just feel the respect and love she had with everyone.  She also has the most BEAUTIFUL singing voice.  Seriously!  I was sad when she got transferred.  During that week with her, she showed me the ropes.  Also we had another Sister serve with us...Sister Palmburg.  I didn't have the chance to get to know her well, but she had a very sweet spirit to her.  

I remember during my first Sunday in Rexburg(with Sister Forrest) we were in one of the campus wards...and asked to speak in church.  No warning...they just needed someone to talk.  HOLY COW!  Stress much?  Let's just say that this experience taught me to always have a talk on hand...and to ALWAYS be prepared.

Melinda and Sister Forrest
So here I am, in basically a brand new area...and soon to have a brand new companion.  Sister Hart.
What do I say about Sister Hart?  Seriously???  

I could tell right away that both Sister Hart and I had totally different personalities.  I'm not going to lie...I was actually pretty concerned that this companionship was going to be a challenge.  Boy was I wrong.  She has ended up being someone I have complete and utter respect for.  Amazing lady this one is!  

Sister Hart never ceased to make me laugh.  I think talking about my experiences in Rexburg is going to take at least a few blog posts.  

So serving in this area was different.  As many of you know Rexburg had a lot of members already.  We served in 1 family stake, and had over 80 campus wards to cover.  Yes you heard me right, over 80 campus wards.  Now...I know it was at least 80, but I cannot remember the exact number.  It may have been more.

I know this may sound overwhelming, and times it was.  But what an experience we had here!!!!

*side note-what was Ricks College is now BYU-I(Brigham Young University Idaho)

Every week we were invited to attend the campus devotional, where the the School President would speak or preside.  The School President at that time was President David A. Bednar.  I could listen to this man speak any day!

The members of the church in Rexburg were amazing, and so supportive.  We never went without a meal, or without anything for that matter.

I will get into the people we taught next week.  For now since this post is already getting lengthy, I will share some pictures with you.

Sister Hart and Melinda....Sister Hart loved Lilo and Stitch(and so did I), so she made the warning sign behind us and were trying to be cool.  We totally pulled it off...doncha think? :)

 We had this giant dirt hill behind our apartment complex.  So we had some fun.  Here's Sister Hart doing her Karate Kid move.

 Sister Hart and her "friends" the cows.  We would often Moo at them, haha This was always behind our apartment complex, just in a different direction.

 Rexburg has this AWESOME can see Elder Johnson and Sister Hart in this picture.

 Some of the awesome Elders that also served in Rexburg...on our hill.  Elder De La Cruz, Elder Barrus, Elder Johnson and Elder Robbins.  Doing the "Charlie's Angel's" pose.

Sister Hart pretending to meditate(notice our cow friends in the background)

 I LOVE this one!
Melinda with an awesome picture of President Hinckley.

Oh Sister you make me laugh.  The middle is my favorite.  We had a plugged toilet and so she ran across the parking lot to get a plunger from the maintenance person.  She got some serious distance off of the ground!
Elders doing the praying Mantice pose.

Sister Hart was bummed that she didn't get a "Dear Jane" letter.  For those if you that don't know what this's when a Sister Missionary basically gets dumped from your boyfriend while on a mission.  So what did I do?  I wrote her her own "dear Jane" letter and mailed it to our PO Box...haha.  She was pretty excited to get it in the mail.  

Scott and Vickie Orr visited us from Plano(part of the Sugar City area) for my birthday and took Sister Hart and I out for supper :)

Sister Hart and I went to a Ward Talent Show.  One of the members were were close to had made these awesome costumes.  It's hard to see what Sister Hart is wearing, but she has some dragon wings on...always fun with Sister Hart.
Anyone that has ever crossed paths or that will cross paths with this amazing women was/is blessed indeed.  

Toodles, and until next week :)


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