Warped Reality....

Do you ever get so caught up in the moment, that you have to literally tell yourself to stop and bring yourself back to reality?  I've had to do this quite a few times lately.  

I'm going to share something with you that to be honest isn't totally easy.  

I know that we are supposed to be grateful with what we have in this life and I am.  However, lately I have been finding myself being ashamed of something....and why?  Because that's the world's point of view.  I know it seems silly say....but that is how I feel at times.

I live in a trailer.  Yes...when people talk about "trailer trash"....I live in one of THOSE kind of trailers.  There is such a negative opinion when people think of trailers or mobile homes.  Seriously I get so caught up in the whole stereotype...that I end up being embarrassed to admit I live in one.  I mean come on right???

When someone asks me where I live...I TOTALLY hesitate.  I HATE having to tell them "oh, I live in the Trailer Park".  Do you know how many times I have answered that exact question...just to get awkward silence, or weird looks?  I am not hallucinating...promise(at least not about this topic!).  

Is it small?  Yes.  Is it my dream home?  Um.....do you really need to ask?  Would I love to live in a big house, with a big yard...and have a home with an upstairs or basement...duh!

But then I have one of those "wake up and don't be so materialistic" kind of moments.  

Look at these statistics in the US from 2014.  How horrible is that?  More than can be expressed.

So as I sit here, on my comfortable couch with my laptop I'm going to give my self a swift kick in the rear(yes I know that's not actually possible).  

How often do we take what we have for granted?  How often do we wish for something someone else has?  I think it's human nature...to some degree.  But how often are we wishing for things, while neglecting what we do have in front of us?  I think most of us are guilty of this from one time to another.  

I'm going to make a goal.  I'm going to be more grateful for what I have.  I don't need a big house to be happy.  I don't need the best of everything to feel fulfilled in life.  I don't need to follow the worlds warped sense of what my reality should be like/look like.  I'm not going to be ashamed anymore for living in a trailer.  It may take some time to change my own thought patterns, but I will do it.  

Live in the moment, be full of gratitude for your blessings, and as we focus more on our blessings....we will probably see more of them come to life.

p.s. This post was not to offend anyone with a big home, or with nice things.  I am not judging anyone who has a big home.  All the power to ya!)


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