Hey All!!! Wow what a month....! Where has April gone? It has been such a busy month. I suppose that's not a horrible thing. A fellow co-worker has recently motivated me. She has lost a great deal of weight and looks amazing. She comes into the office, with much enthusiasm and is excited about food. Excited that she's in control of what she's eating(at least that's how I see it:). I have watched her for several months...kind of just wishing that I could loose weight as she has. Then a few weeks ago something just kind of clicked. ...I CAN loose how she is loosing. Nothing is stopping me but me right? Right! So....2 weeks ago yesterday I started weight watchers. I have to tell you that I feel liberated. I know, I know...you're thinking "drama queen much"? But seriously it's so awesome. 10 days into it(5 days ago) I weighed myself and I've lost 8.5 pounds so far. I've been...