Happiness...is in the eye of the beholder.

Happy Monday!

Hope you all are well.  I have to say that I am excited for this new year?  Why you ask?  Because for once in my life I'm actually looking forward to making positive changes.  I actually feel some hope in improving who I am as a human.  Sound cheesy?  Probably...but it's all good.  I'm down with being a cheesy person(wink wink Chrissy hehe :).  

Honestly I have been a really negative person last year and years past.  I work on trying to not be, but honestly I don't really work hard enough.  I have basically walked away, or have not taken seriously, some of the things that have always been important to me...like music, church, scripture reading, service...to name a few.  A week and a half ago  I felt so disconnected from myself I just wanted to break down and well let's face it...break down!  I felt so hopeless and discouraged.  It wasn't just one thing that made me feel this way, it was a combination of EVERYTHING!

I have allowed life to get in the way of living...!  Does that make sense?  I let all of the worldly, unimportant things take precedence over what really matters.  

Now this isn't me all being debby downer...and an unrealistic debbie downer if that!  I get that money is always going to be something to probably stress/worry about(for example).  I know that a lot of the things I've stressed about are regular stresses, but I think it's so easy to let those stresses take over the happiness we can still feel.

Anyway, I've set some goals to do the things I love, and to appreciate the little things more(don't sweat the small stuff right Ronda;).  

Last night I played the piano...and it was blissful.  I'm going to dig into my scriptures and feast upon them daily...oh and I seriously want to do some random acts of kindness.  I want to serve others more.  Of course these are all great aspirations and I get that I'm not going to change over night.  

So what has changed since 1 1/2 weeks ago?  I had a conversation with my husband.  He explained(in a very loving non-judgmental way) that if I want to be happier, I need to start doing things that make me happy...but the key here is is that it needs to start with me.  No one else can make these changes for me.  As simple as that is, it lit this spark in me and...

So...here I come world.  I'm excited to post about things that make us happy and fill my soul with joy!

So what have I done today?  I wrote a friend a letter.  I wrote them a letter, letting them know how much I appreciate them.  I let them know how their example of strength and courage has been a beacon of strength to me.  I shared with them the qualities that I admire about them.  I let them know how their example inspires others to want to be better.  Oh, and you know what's even more fun about this letter?  I didn't sign it.  It's totally anonymous.  I don't want any credit, I just want to make someone feel good about themselves.  Where's I get this idea from?  Have you ever watched " The Letter Writer"?  If not, it's a movie that I highly recommend.   



sunshinemomentz said…
I know you're right Chrissy. We are just as important as our families are. If we are not happy than how can we try to make them happy? I am learning this and as I have been making these changes I have become much happier...inward out :)

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