Well...today is my 27th birthday. I decided this year to focus more on my spiritual gifts, than material gifts. Of course material gifts are always fun, but they don't last forever right? So I've come up with a list of the many gifts that I've been given.

1. Well of course my first gift I feel is to be a daughter of God. I'm thankful for all of the blessings that have come into my life because of the love from my Heavenly Father and Savior. Without the Gospel in my life, the rest of my blessings wouldn't exist or mean as much to me. So every day I need to remember of the things that make me truly happy.

2.My husband...Richard. If I didn't have the gospel then I would have gone on a Mission. If I hadn't gone on a Mission than I wouldn't have met Richard...bada bing bada boom. I'm so blessed to have married my best friend, and I love him soooo much! It's an exciting thing to know that I get to spend the rest of my life with him, for all eternity.

3.Mine and Richards Family- I am so lucky to have family that loves me so much. They all come through for us when we need them, and not everyone can say that. I'm thankful to have been born into my family and for my siblings and parents, and I feel it a great gift to have married into such a fun and loving family. I love all of my in-laws to pieces. I don't hang out with a lot of people besides my family but that's ok because they're all I need.

4.My friends! I have a lot of great friends! I'm kind of home body, but I have two very special friends inspecific that I've known for years and I'm very thankful for their love and support towards me. It's a very comforting feeling knowing that I can rely on them whenever I need to.

5. I have been given a wonderful home to live in, I have food in my fridge and clothes on my back. Thoughs things I take for granted, but they are things I am very thankful for.

6. The gift of music! I love music, it's my passion in life. There's not much more to say. Out of all of the talents that I could have been blessed with, I'm glad this is one of them because music is such a part of my soul and I love it!!!(yeah, I know it's cheesy).

Well, of course my list could go on and on because I have am a very lucky person. Thoughs are the standard things I should be thankful for, but to me they're the most important things in my life! So...happy birthday to me :)


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