Remembering my greatest gift...

Tonight as I was tidying up our home, my mind started to race...about things of the past. This came about from earlier this evening. It all starts off because Richard was asked to give a talk tomorrow, and the topic of his talk is Service. After hearing what he said he was going to speak about, he told me how he was going to end his talk. The greatest service that he was thankful for is me..."serving" a Mission. That is why my mind started "racing". It's the little things like that that help to remind me of my greatest gifts. It reminds me of how lucky I am, which leads to I guess you could say a path down memory lane.

Richard and I first met on an evening that I was team teaching with his Step-Mom Jerelyn Roth. We wen't to her home that night to get some medicine, and Richard happened to be their. As far as I'm concerned, that was the first night of the rest of my life. We've been through so many trials and hardships, mainly due to the fact that we're both from different countries. But as hard and stressful as that has been, when you look at the grand spectrum of things it just doesn't matter. We're together, which is the only place I want to be. I love Richard so much, and I guess I just felt like I needed to share my gratefulness for my life. I love it, no matter what roadblocks we may reach in our lives, it really doesn't matter as long as we're together. sum it all up, Richard is my greatest gift.


Anonymous said…
I am so happy for the both of you. You both are the most sweetest caring people and I love you guys!!!!

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