
Showing posts from 2012

Our floors are almost done....

Hi All So it's been a crazy few weeks.  Thanksgiving was fabulous I must say...we decided to have Ham instead of Turkey to mix things up a bit and it was soooo good!  I know what you're all thinking.... Ham is she SERIOUS I'm so proud of her! haha but yes I am serious.  I typically HATE ham, but Richard did such a good job with this one...I couldn't resist!  I'm going to put some pics down below  so you can see our fabulous spread! We got our living room floors almost done!  So excited.  We just have to add some transition strips and voila....finished.  I am so happy to be rid of our old nasty carpets.  They were in such rough shape(mainly because of our cats).  It just makes everything feel so much more fresh and clean. So...around last weekend I started to get sick-I got a fever and started hacking away.  Richard then got it on Sunday night and we've been sick all week....SO MUCH FUN RIGHT? j/k  We went to the Dr. and he told us we were both

Six Months...

I sure wish that I was better at this...but here I am 6 months later...oops! Well it was a super busy summer.  We put off doing any renos in our house and did outside renos.  Our project this year was taking down our old fence, and putting up a new one.  We unfortunately didn't get everything else done that we needed to. I'm sure we could have gotten the other projects done if money (which seems to ALWAYS be the problem right??!)   hadn't have been in our way! But oh well..I'm thankful that we got as far as we did.  This past week the weather started to get super cold, so I think that we're outta luck for finishing up anything else for outside this year. I am really excited.....because this is my favorite time of the year.  Richard and I make our Halloween Costumes every year(at least this is the 4th year) and it's been so much fun. This year we're dressing up as Mario and Princess Peach.  It's going to be great.   So we've got that on the

Dreading this week....

Every day I encourage people to focus on the "positive" rather than the "negative". This is something I think all of us could do, and it would help us...but for this post...I'm forgetting about it! This week...Richard is going on a business trip to California...and I'm SOOOOO dreading it! Throughout our ENTIRE marriage, we have always gone EVERYWHERE together! I know I'll get through it, and I know it's not the end of the world...but I'm sure going to miss's gonna suck! On a more POSITIVE little Sister is getting married this summer...and tomorrow we're going wedding dress shopping with her. I'm soooooo happy for her and her fiance! Our entire family loves Adam(her fiance). They are totally perfect together! What else is new? Not much. We're looking forward to the summer, when we can spend some time outside in the sun...working on the outside of our house! Well...I'm gonna jet. I just wanted to pos

Sweet Giggles

I wanted to blog today about my nieces & nephews. I think they're adorable! I love them all MUCH!!! Yes, of course they can be stinkers little angels, but that's why I love them right? Right! As I was cooking & cleaning in my kitchen this afternoon after church, I just stood their taking pictures of the kiddos jumping on their trampoline! ( sister lives right next door to me!) They are so happy, and full of life! I love them!!!

Happy Birthday Richard are now officially 30 years old! How does it feel? Of course it doesn't actually feel different...but it does at the same time! 30 years ago, you were born into this world, and I am so thankful to your parents for bringing you into this world. I thank my lucky stars(and of course my Heavenly Father), for allowing me to spend my life with you. You are my very best friend, and my most favorite person in the world. You make me smile, you make me feel loved and I am so ETERNALLY thankful that I get to spend Eternity with you. I only hope that the next 30 years of your life are filled with as much joy, love and fabulous memories that the first 30 years were made of. Love you always & forever Mindy xoxo

Birthday Fun...

What is it you may ask? That's's Richard! On Saturday Richard turns the big 30!!! We are 6 months apart, so I look forward to his birthday because we will be the same age again! lol . (He will never let me live that one down!) He is the bestest thing that has ever happened to me! I love this man, more and more each year...and I am so thankful to call him mine! Things have been good here, just busy as can be! But that's a good thing right? Right! The wind has been so crazy here, that most of the snow we got 1 1/2 weeks ago is melting away. This has been such a strange winter, I must say, but I'll take it! Wow, I'm pretty boring eh? Oh ya! So here's a funny story for ya...hopefully you'll laugh, because EVERY TIME I think about it, it cracks me up! So at work...(we work on the phones...) I played a prank on my mom. p.s. I get to work with my mom and Richard! I sent my mom a message to call a lady named " Iwana Tinkle". So you would

But I want it!!!!

Well here it is, 3 times of blogging this week....aren't you SOOO proud of me??? lol . So as I was just doing my make-up and my hair and while doing this of course I'm thinking of a gazillion things! On the weekends when I get ready, it may sound silly, but it gives me time to just think to myself, and reflect on some of the things that I want....or think I need. Some of the things may be realistic, and reasonable to want, and of course some are not. For example, -I want a bigger home.... -I want to have NO debt(I know...this may be a bit unrealistic, lol) -I want to be healthy, as much as I can be-both in mind and in spirit(and of body of course) -I don't want to have to worry about money...because I HATE money! (especially if you don't have it,lol) and of course, the one thing I want probably more than to have children. YES, I said it, I want children. Everyone knows this, but it's like the forbidden topic because of the sensitivity of the sit

Favorite Weekend Things....

(and NO, these are not our feet! lol) 1)I love sleeping in! Yes, yes I do. I got up at 10:30 today...and it was fabulous! 2)Cleaning the house when it's still bright and sunny outside...while BLASTING music!!! 3)Taking my time getting ready, and again while singing my HEART AWAY to music..... 4)Spending some good quality time with my sweet heart. 5)Being outside...enjoying the sunshine 6)Having the chance to see my nephews & nieces 7)Playin' with our kitties 8)*Going to Church and to be spiritually rejuvenated* 9)The ability to do NOTHING if that's what I want to do!!! 10)Sitting around in my cozy p.j.'s & Bathrobe... That's all I could think of for now, but let me tell ya, I love my weekends. p.s. The above 10 listed things are in no particular order. Today, Richard (who is still currently sleeping) and I are going to get some groceries, maybe go see a movie & veg. We are starting to eat all of the rec

New Beginnings...

Wow, how silly I feel! It has been SEVEN MONTHS!!! Sorry! It's funny because so much has happened in the last 7 months! Last year was a year full of MUCH stress...and business! I don't know why, but I just really wasn't in the blogging mood. But I am now! Last May Richards brother Matt was put in the hospital and almost died, BUT he is totally fine now and is happily married! It was a really great year, as far as being able to travel to Idaho and visit family their! The holidays were fantastic! It was so much fun having Ione(Richards mom:) here, to spend Christmas with us. It was a blessing to have her with us. This year is going to be a good one for Richard and I, I just feel it! We have set so many awesome goals as a couple, and personal goals as well. This year is a year for us to accomplish them and to grow together. We're both super excited. I am also SO EXCITED because March 30th, is my Mission Reunion in Utah! I have been home from my Mission this m