But I want it!!!!

Well here it is, 3 times of blogging this week....aren't you SOOO proud of me??? lol . So as I was just doing my make-up and my hair and while doing this of course I'm thinking of a gazillion things!
On the weekends when I get ready, it may sound silly, but it gives me time to just think to myself, and reflect on some of the things that I want....or think I need. Some of the things may be realistic, and reasonable to want, and of course some are not.

For example,

-I want a bigger home....
-I want to have NO debt(I know...this may be a bit unrealistic, lol)
-I want to be healthy, as much as I can be-both in mind and in spirit(and of body of course)
-I don't want to have to worry about money...because I HATE money!
(especially if you don't have it,lol)

and of course, the one thing I want probably more than anything....is to have children.

YES, I said it, I want children. Everyone knows this, but it's like the forbidden topic because of the sensitivity of the situation. We have been trying to have a family...for a little over 7 years now...and it's so
incredibly frustrating to not be able to have one.
Why you may ask? I don't know-there are no reasons that are related to health issues....so WHO KNOWS??? (Heavenly Father does)

I think about this topic....ALL of the time! I wonder...why not us? I know that we would be amazing parents...having children is something that I've dreamed of since I was like 12 years old...I just love the idea of being a mom...and taking care of my family.
Now for some people this would make them think....is their a God? If so, why would He do this to someone who has such righteous desires?

Of course, I know that God lives, and that he loves us, all individually. I know that because there have been too many instances in my life to say any different. This is where faith comes in as well, because to get through these " I want, but can't have"(at least for the time being), things you just have to believe that what is happening to you right now, is what was meant to be.

I know that life isn't easy, it's downright miserable sometimes, but if I can just hold on to the fact that I know that my Heavenly Father loves me, and STOP to think that maybe, just maybe He has a plan in store(and I already know that He does), then that should get me through the difficult things that I just cannot control.

So their you have it people, life isn't easy, but there's a reason for everything, you just have to try and have FAITH that things will work out, because they will. I know this, totally and completely.

Off to get dressed for Church now....and to be Spiritually Fed:)


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