New Beginnings...

Wow, how silly I feel! It has been SEVEN MONTHS!!! Sorry! It's funny because so much has happened in the last 7 months! Last year was a year full of MUCH stress...and business! I don't know why, but I just really wasn't in the blogging mood. But I am now!

Last May Richards brother Matt was put in the hospital and almost died, BUT he is totally fine now and is happily married! It was a really great year, as far as being able to travel to Idaho and visit family their!

The holidays were fantastic! It was so much fun having Ione(Richards mom:) here, to spend Christmas with us. It was a blessing to have her with us.

This year is going to be a good one for Richard and I, I just feel it! We have set so many awesome goals as a couple, and personal goals as well. This year is a year for us to accomplish them and to grow together. We're both super excited.

I am also SO EXCITED because March 30th, is my Mission Reunion in Utah! I have been home from my Mission this month...for 8 YEARS! Do you know how OLD that makes me feel???!! I am so excited to see my Mission President, and all of the other Missionaries that I served with, it is going to be an AMAZING experience! We will also be able to stop through Idaho on our way and way back home to visit family their, so all in all it's going to be great.

Our Renos have been put on hold totally. Not just because of lack of $$$, but also we have other priorities that come that's the update their.

Believe it or not, we just got snow 2 days ago! It was been such a mild winter so far(besides the horrid wind), so it's been a treat.

I am thankful to my Heavenly Father for blessing me with another year with my sweet heart. I am thankful to Heavenly Father for all of the blessing that he gives me, all of the time. We have a nice home, a roof over our heads and we are so blessed with good families and health. I am grateful for my Savior, and hope that through this new year, I can allow the Light of Christ to shine from me, and be able to serve and help all of my brothers & sisters as he would have us do.

I have a new calling in Church-I'm the Relief Society Chorister, and Richards calling is the Assistant Financial Clerk. He's good at it! Me? I have insecurities. Last Sunday was my first Sunday leading the music, and I felt a TOTAL DORK! But it'll get better....crossing fingers!)

Life is good, we're happy and healthy...and working on becoming even healthier. I promise to start updating the blog weekly at least with fun and exciting things that we are doing.

later sk8er!


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