Birthday Fun...

What is it you may ask? That's's Richard!

On Saturday Richard turns the big 30!!! We are 6 months apart, so I look forward to his birthday because we will be the same age again! lol.(He will never let me live that one down!)

He is the bestest thing that has ever happened to me! I love this man, more and more each year...and I am so thankful to call him mine!

Things have been good here, just busy as can be! But that's a good thing right? Right!

The wind has been so crazy here, that most of the snow we got 1 1/2 weeks ago is melting away. This has been such a strange winter, I must say, but I'll take it!

Wow, I'm pretty boring eh? Oh ya! So here's a funny story for ya...hopefully you'll laugh, because EVERY TIME I think about it, it cracks me up!

So at work...(we work on the phones...) I played a prank on my mom. p.s. I get to work with my mom and Richard!

I sent my mom a message to call a lady named " Iwana Tinkle". So you would think that just by reading this, she would get that it's a joke right?? WRONG! She called the number that I put on the message(which was just a friends number)...and asked for Iwana friend pretended to not understand, so she asked for this person 2-3 times! It was so funny, we were all laughing!

Oh, another good one....

When we bought our 3d tv last year, we had my parents over to check it out. We told my mom to try out our cool remote for the tv, and told her that it was voice activating! Did she believe us?? OH YA! She started to talk to the remote-telling it to turn off the tv...well wouldn't you believe that the tv went off?? Then she told it to turn it back on...and it TURNED BACK ON! What are the chances right? Then we told her afterwards that it doesn't really have such special powders, lol...and we all had a great laugh!!!

later sk8er!


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