3-2-1 Action

Okay, so if you haven't guessed it by now, today I wanted to blog about going to the movies....more specifically what we watch when we go to the movies theatre.

I love watching a good movie.  I love the excitement that I get when something that I've wanted to see for SO LONG comes out.  I love the anticipation, and the unexpected.  I especially love when  a movie ends up being better than I expected.

I love that feeling when the movie is over of pure satisfaction.  WISHING...that you could relive the past 2 hours or so...watch the movie again as if it was the first time.

Recently Richard and I went to the movies to see Captain America 2...and we loved it.  We loved the humour, the action, and even the story line.  After the movie was over and we were on our way home...I had one of those thoughts..."man I wish we could go back and watch it again...for the FIRST TIME".

Their are a lot of great movies out their...that bring that kind of satisfaction.  Then...there are movies that disappoint....BIG TIME.

As each year goes by....more and more movies become more polluted with filth.  Even movies that are rated PG are movies that can make you blush.

I mean I think(and I could be wrong) that the PG rating has changed over the years...as far as what's excepted.  Right now it states:

PG Rating
A PG-rated film may not be suitable for children. The MPAA says a PG-rated should be checked out by parents before allowing younger children to see the movie. There could be some profanity, some violence, or brief nudity, however there will not be any drug use in a PG film.

HELLO?????  Did you read that...brief nudity? I mean seriously?  We're talking about a PG movie here.  This was not an issue when I was young(or was it and I am just totally oblivious?)...Regardless it's wrong.

One night Richard and I had some friends over for super and to watch a movie several years ago.  We had recently purchased the movie from the $5.00 section at Walmart...and we thought.."what a steal".  We had both watched this movie on the tv several times in the past and figured that it sounded like a fun movie.  So...we put it on.  Within the first 10 minutes...their was nudity..that we had NEVER seen on the tv....and we were both HORRIFIED.  I honestly can say that is seriously one of the most disturbing experiences for me.  Neither Richard are I ever thought that it would have this filth in it...but after this experience remembered they edit a lot of stuff out of movies when shown on tv...this was definitely a lesson learned.

Before this experience we had already been pretty strict with what we would watch...but after this night we took things 1 step further.  We started looking up EVERY movie that we watch on a great website called
www.kids-in-mind.com .  They don't have every movie that has ever existed...but pretty darn close.

Now we can watch a movie, whether on tv or at the theatre and know what's in it.  From the amount of swear words to any inappropriate scenes.  We do not own any R rated movies...in fact most of the movies we've recently purchased are animated because there just aren't enough movies out their that we feel comfortable watching.

This is something we are both set on...we do not and will not participate in watching anything that will lower our self worth.  I am so thankful for this firm and unmoveable choice we have made for our family.

In the past, when a movie has had an unexpected F-bomb...it completely RUINS the movie for me.  There's nothing more I can think about...because it makes me feel SICK!!!  Now we can avoid any of these uncomfortable situtations...while allowing ourselves to feel good about the choices we're making.

I know that being so strict with what we watch is soooooooooo HARD.  There are sooooo many movies that both Richard and I have wanted to see, but because their is 1 F-Word or too many other swears...or even brief nudity we won't watch it.

I can testify and promise that as hard as it is to make these kind of choices, making the right choice will bring blessings into your lives.  It makes you feel proud that you've stood by your morals and your believes wherever that may be for you individually.  I know that we have prevented our minds and our home from negative thoughts and have been able to keep the spirit present in our home from not allowing this kind of influence into our lives.

So...when life gets tough...and you want to follow the crowd make sure you are comfortable with the end result.  Make sure you can live with yourself and feel proud of the decision you've made.  I know from personal experience it can bring total and complete happiness.

Night all :)

p.s.This post was not to offend anyone.  I know everyone has their line that they don't like to have crossed.  Do what's right for you.  This is just what is right for us :)


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