What does home mean to you?

Well...here we are.  7 months later!  I feel like every blog post starts of this way.  I wanted to write a post to update our family and even friends on what our plans are over this next year or so.

Richard and I have been praying and pleading for answers this year.  We feel like a change somewhere in our lives needs to be made....and recently we've received some answers.  One of these answers is regarding our "Home".

What is a Home?  What makes a home?  I'm sure we've all heard the popular phrase " home is where the heart is".

Home to me is a space I can be with the ones I love.  It could be in a cave, it could be a forest, it could be in a ruddy shoebox for all I care(okay I really don't want to live in a shoebox), lol.  But hopefully you get my point.  As long as I have my husband, my cats that's all I need to make a home.

So, after many prayers for knowledge and then for confirmation, we've decided that over the next 1-2 months we are going to pack up our current home...finish renovating it and sell it.  Then...we will live in the camper you see in the above picture for the summer/fall.

Okay...so to some this may sound nuts strange ...but you know what? That's okay. To better explain to some WHY we're making this decision...

-It's an answered prayer.  We know it's what we need to do right now

-We're going to be able to pay off almost ALL of our debt(by the money we make off of our current home)....which will be a huge stress reliever

-Looking forward to a simplified life.  How many times have you made the "weekend check-list".  1-Clean the hosue, do yard work...etc.  For me, these things have seemed to consume my weekends...MY free time.  This is not ideal, but it is what it is.  Making this decision to live in our camper will eliminate the weekend check-list for me.  Every day we just keep it up and keep it clean...I mean hello it's 250 square feet so how long could it take to clean it? lol

-We have a chance to spend more quality time with eachother

-Forces us to spend more time OUTSIDE...which is a good thing.  We need this.

-We need a change-this gives us a chance to START FRESH...we get a clean slate.

We are both really excited about this future adventure.  Where will be park?  My parents have a huge lot so we will be parking in their backyard for now.

So there you go.  That is what we're up to.  We are busy packing up our house, so it'll be easier to finish the reno's.

I really am going to try and update this blog(yes I know I've said this before)...so we'll just have to wait and see.

Later all :)


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