
Oh, how I love music.  I love singing it, I love listening to it, and I love writing it.  Today I wanted to write about one of my 

Ever since I was a young girl I have loved music.  It of course helped that my family was full of music lovers.  My dad was a D.J. at one point and so we constantly listened to different types of music.  Both of my sisters and my mom sing, my brother plays several different instruments like the guitar and drums and I play the piano and flute.  

Growing up when I was upset about something...what did I do?  I turned to music.  When I was scared of something, I would turn on some music and focus on the lyrics or the instruments.  When I was happy I BLASTED music...every chance I could get. 

Music has always penetrated deep down to my core.  It is a part of who I am.  A song of different sorts can change my outlook on a day, can make me sad or happy and it can relax and calm me.  

As a teenager when I had my own bedroom, I would most nights fall to sleep listening to music as it soothed my mind and my body.  Music has always made me feel safe and comfortable. 

I know that my Heavenly Father has blessed me with this love and passion.  Music has so much power and strength.  It lift you up when you are in your deepest moments, it can express to someone you love how you feel and it can bring out an inner least it has for me.  

Some of my favourite movies are ones that have music throughout.  One of my most favourite movies is The Sound of Music.  Besides the story line I love the music.  I love how happy and cheerful the music is.  I love how their emotions are worn on their sleeves during the Edelweiss performance.  I sooo LOVE singing the Lonely a fun accent and I could go on and on and on(I'm sure you've got my point).

Anyway...what brought this topic on you wonder?  Well this week my mom let me borrow one of her cds and it's the soundtrack from a movie called 17 Miracles.  One of the songs on that cd seriously is amazing.  I cannot listen to it enough.  I love instrumental music, I love how beautiful the sounds of different instruments sound all together.  This song seriously was one of those songs that made my whole body tingle and brought tears to my eyes....literally.  

I want to share it with you.  The entire song is beautiful, but the parts of the song that move me are from the time : 2:05-2:50 .  

So the next time that you maybe are sad, are lonely or bored...or even happy play a song.  Allow music to uplift you, and to inspire you.  Music is a very powerful thing.  It can help you feel loved and fill you with total and pure happiness.  

So that's what I think, and I'm sticking to it.  Night all :)


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