
Showing posts from July, 2015

The Nick Pose

It all started back in 1996.  I became obsessed a fan of the Backstreet Boys.  My family conducted a service project/gift thingy mabober for Family Home Evening one week.  We each had to pick a name out of a bowl and do something nice for that person. dad got my name.  You know what he got me???? My very first Backstreet Boys poster.  I had that poster pretty much until I left on my mission, when I packed all of my stuff up to put away.  I loved that picture.  I think that it was even more special because my dad bought it for me.  Anyhow, I have searched the internet high and low for this picture...and have come up almost short.  I found one picture that is similar.  Except for Nick in the poster my dad gave was standing up and the pose he did was more obvious.  Here's an idea for you: (Nick is the blonde one in the very front kneeling if you didn't already know that) forward to 2001 and I am now in ...serving a mission.  Call me whacky, weird

Mission Moments

Hi All, I have been thinking all week on what I wanted to write about today....and I'm not gonna lie...I've been looking forward to this all week! Leaving for the MTC was exciting...and so hard!  I remember that day almost perfectly.  I remember arriving at the MTC with my Dad, Mom, Miranda, and Con(Mellissa had to stay behind because she had to work).  They brought all of the new arriving missionaries into this big room.  We had some talks given and sang some songs and then it was time.  That time that everyone is dreading....saying goodbye.  My family was super close growing up.  I never was away from them for more than a night or two when I'd go to a friends house for a sleep over kinda thing.  It was really so incredibly hard saying bye.  I remember bawling like a baby, and walking around the corner to the next room, waving bye to my family.  Luckily we were super busy after that so it took my mind away from the events of the day. The MTC experience was awesome.  

Mission Moments

 I want to update our blog regularly, but often feel like I have nothing to write about.  Throughout the LDS church right now all over the world, we are being encouraged to keep the Sabbath Day Holy. Of course that is something we've always been encouraged to do, but it's just being stressed more right now.....So I've been trying to think of things I can do to focus more on the spiritual aspect of things.  So this morning as I was getting ready for church, I had an idea( I know, scary thought right?).  I've decided I want to write a blog post each Sunday and name it " Missionary Moments ". I want to share some of the experiences I had on my mission.  Fun memories, and also some spiritual memories.  I'll do what I can until I run out of things to say. I guess since a mission starts with why someone wants to go a mission to begin with, I'll start there. I've always loved missionary work.  I love sharing with others how the Gospel of Jesus Christ

They're really listening...promise!

About 1 1/2 months ago...maybe even 2 months(sorry I don't remember) Richard and I were called to teach CTR 6&7 year olds in our ward.  For me, primary is my comfort zone...for the most part.  I love to teach children anywhere from 4-5 yrs old and up.  It's just something I feel for the most part confident and comfortable with.  Anyway...I have learned a lot in the short time that Richard and I have been teaching. As some of you may know, usually with each primary lesson comes different stories to tell the children. When I read the stories, I like to speak in a very slow and quiet voice.  I find this helps the children focus better.  We were talking about the Holy Ghost.  I was telling them about a story of a young boy who over heard his parents talking about his older brother who was serving a mission in a foreign country.  There had been a huge earthquake in this city where his brother was serving, and his parents were very scared for their son.  When the this boy appro

happy 4th!

Happy 4th of July everyone! It is a bit bizarre to not be in Idaho right now.  We've gone to Idaho for the 4th for the past 3 years.  We sure wish we were in Idaho right now, enjoying the festivities. We are going to Oregon at the end of next that is the main reason we didn't travel to Idaho this month.  What can you do right?  Maybe next year :) What a crazy week.  I got sick 3 days ago...but I am feeling better now.  It hit me out of nowhere.  I kind of expected to get sick however, because the previous week Richard was really sick for about 4 days.  No fun. Nothing really exciting has gone on over the last few days.  It's been a busy day, but definately productive.  Our awesome friends Dan and Amy Shaw gave us a shelf/desk unit and it is AWESOME!  I will take some pics when it's all finished up.  We are changing some of our bedroom stuff now our biggest spare bedroom will be both my make-up/scrapbook/craft space...and then another week

Yee Haw...Happy Canada Day!!!!

Happy oh Happy birthday Canada. It kind of feels weird to be here this we've been in Idaho Falls the last 3 years during the first week of July for Independence Day. I feel like if I don't just give a great ole big SHOUT OUT to Canada here...I'd be a totally ungrateful girl!  April 2015 Richard became a Canadian Citizen.  This is something we've been waiting for for over 10 years now!  It's totally official, and I am more thrilled than most people can imagine. I think that we can take so many things for granted....such as our freedoms.  Even to this day, there are so many people that do not have the kind of freedoms and agency that we have.  We are truly a blessed nation. I am thankful beyond measure to my Heavenly Father.  I am thankful to have been born in such a great Country.  I truly do love Canada, and I am so proud to be Canadian! HAPPY CANUCK DAY...EH! haha Moi, Richard, Dan, Amy at the Canada Day Parade this morning. toodles