The Nick Pose

It all started back in 1996. I became obsessed a fan of the Backstreet Boys. My family conducted a service project/gift thingy mabober for Family Home Evening one week. We each had to pick a name out of a bowl and do something nice for that person. dad got my name. You know what he got me???? My very first Backstreet Boys poster. I had that poster pretty much until I left on my mission, when I packed all of my stuff up to put away. I loved that picture. I think that it was even more special because my dad bought it for me. Anyhow, I have searched the internet high and low for this picture...and have come up almost short. I found one picture that is similar. Except for Nick in the poster my dad gave was standing up and the pose he did was more obvious. Here's an idea for you: (Nick is the blonde one in the very front kneeling if you didn't already know that) forward to 2001 and I am now i...