
Showing posts from 2014

Gifts of Love...

It's getting to be that time of year....the Most Wonderful time right?  Right.  It is in our home.  As most of you know I love Christmas.  I love the music, the decorations, the twinkly lights, the giving, the kindness from others/giving to others, and the sweet beautiful spirit that seems to follow you everywhere you go.   I put up our Christmas three 1 1/2 weeks ago, and I just love it.  I've been listening to Christmas music around the clock(poor Richard), and I am just in the Christmas mood.  It is bitter cold here today.  I feel like baking up a storm and getting my Christmas goods started.  Maybe I will??  I feel very blessed, to have so much.  There's no need to make a list of all I have, but I am grateful.   Love to me is one of the greatest gifts we can give/receive.  I am thankful to receive/feel it, and happy to give it.  There are so many ways we can share love this holiday season.  Why bring it up now when it's only Mid November?  Because we ar

Just Breathe...

Wow...what a hole. Or for me I supposed how I feel what a month!!!  Yes, if you must wonder I LOVE  Home Alone 2.  It was a family favorite growing up.  This is one of my favorite scenes. I stated in my last post we had something exciting to share with everyone.  Richard and I have started our own business....hurray!!!!  It is very exciting.  We have been super busy over this past month getting everything ready.  So what is it you ask?   We are are now making our own new wood crafts.  I've included some pictures of the crafts we have made/designed so far.  We are really excited and proud of the work we've done.  This weekend we were in a trade show, and we had a great positive response from all who came by our booth.  We sold lots of products, and have a lot of potential clients.  So this is our happy news.  Wish us luck, and PLEASE like our facebook page (Sublime Sentiments).  I know begging is not becoming on someone, but what c

Tis the season...

Don't stress...I'm not ready for Christmas yet! lol It is official. I am in the mood for fall. Don't get me wrong I'm not 100% totally over summer yet.  I will take what I can get, but let's face it...summer is quickly fading away. So why not try to be positive about the changes in the season....right?! We have some exciting things coming up in the near future...that I cannot quite share with you yet....but by this time next month I will definitely fill you in.   We have had a really wonderful summer, and I am so thankful for the fun things we've been able to do...especially camping....I love camping.  But, I need to clarify... that I love our RV more ruffing it for this girl :)   Nothing too exciting to report here.  I am looking forward to decorating our home for fall over the next week.  Lots of leaves, pumpkins, hay, etc.  There is a new music "group", and they are called Alex and Sierra.  They won

Year of Tens...

Today I have been married to Richard for 10 years.  WOW...we joked about how were almost at that first milestone, for ages it seems. Now that it's here, it's kind of strange(in a good way of course).  We have been through so much together, it's nuts to think it's been 10 years since we said our "I DO's". I've told this story to many in the past, but I'll share some brief moments that some of you may not be aware of, on how Richard and I first met...and got married. I was serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  At the time, I was serving in Idaho Falls , Idaho(p.s. I LOVE IDAHO!!!) One night my companion and I were out teaching the Gospel, with the help of Jerelyn Roth (at that time was one of the ward missionaries).  I hadn't been feeling good that day, and as the night progressed I felt worse and worse(I felt a nasty cold coming on).  Sister Roth took us back to her house to get some cough medicine.
Happy Sabbath everyone... Each morning when I wake up, I love to just lay in bed, with my eyes closed....and think.  It doesn't matter what I'm thinking about(for the most part), but I love to just think.  One of the thoughts that came to my mind this morning was gratitude. It can be sooooo easy to focus on the things that you WANT instead of the things that you have. name is Melinda, and I am not always grateful for the things that I have. Admitting your lack of gratitude can be embarrassing, and just plane scary.  We all want to show the world how happy we are in our perfect lives right?  I mean...I can admit it.  But at the end of the day, before you're drifted away into dreamland, what are your final thoughts?  Are you wishing for a better life?  Do you wish for a bigger house, bigger car, more money, to be thinner, to be healthier, to have more children, to have less children,  to not have to work?  The list can go on and on and ON.  I know, it has f

There's no place like home...

Oh my...what an exciting and exhausting 1 1/2 weeks. We have come and gone from our Roth family reunion...and it was a BLAST.   I love Idaho so much. We had some really fun times, and made some great memories.  What was my favorite activity?  Movie night in Fred and Jer's backyard(Richards Dad and step-mom). Just about everyone in the family was able to attend.  We set up our projector screen/projector and watched Wreck it Ralph.  How fun right?  It was awesome!  I think we need to make this a family tradition. So...something I wanted to post about tonight was an awesome product I just happened to stumble upon the day we left for Idaho. First, I must tell you that I do not does not matter what I do, it just doesn't happen.  I've come to terms with it, but that doesn't mean I like it.  I am pasty white.  I will burn, and then turn right back to tan in between.  I REALLY wanted to have some kind of color, especially while in Idaho.  I was at

And....we're off...almost.

Wow...what a busy week. As a lot of you may know, we are preparing for our now annual Roth Family Reunion.  We are totally pumped and excited....however, I DO NOT remember it being this much work to get ready. I have had quite a little work out tonight packing up our trailer and getting it prepared.  We are leaving Thursday evening, right after work.  We'll drive 1/2 way to Helena Montana, and then stay the night at a Wal-mart(I know right??).  Then...we'll get up and finish our adventure to Idaho Friday morning. We are so excited...we can HARDLY contain ourselves.  Have I slept in the past 3 nights??  Heck no.  I wish.  I feel like a little child on Christmas Eve...and it's like torture waiting to go. That's really what we've been up to over the past's just been busy getting things ready. Now on a different note... This past week I have been thinking a lot about that little voice on our shoulder, that reminds us when something is right, an


My dad and I Happy Fathers Day!!! I wanted to share thoughts with you on on Fathers Day, as it is tomorrow.  One of the greatest privileges, and responsibilities on this earth(in my opinion) is being a father. Of course, I am not a father, so I cannot tell you what it's like, BUT I can share with you my experiences as a daughter...of one of the finest men I know. I love my dad.  How lucky am be Con Cole's daughter...seriously!  My dad is just one awesome man. I cannot, and would not...EVER...ask for any better of a father. My Father is... *Selfless...he would literally give you the shirt off of his back.  I cannot count the amount of times as a child, as a teen, and even until this very day, where I have seen my father give to those in need.  He has built people furniture, he has bought those in need groceries, he dresses up as Santa Clause for YEARS...delivering gifts and visiting with the less fortunate, he has spent countless hours volunteering in t