I thought it might be fun to add some photos of one of my two best friends Chrissy and I when we were younger.We went to Chrissy's house tonight for a "goodbye" dinner, which we had lots of fun. So here's some photo's from years ago, and we took a few tonight as well.

I can speak for myself when I says...such hideous clothes! I don't know why I liked that "Golden Shirt", but I did. Weirdo! The other picture is of Chrissy and I presenting our Pinocchio Play. We had a lot of fun with that.

Here's some pics. that we took tonight:

Here's some pictures of Richard with Chrissy's girls, Mackenzie and Avery...they're such great kids!!


Anonymous said…
Hey Mindy
Thanks for coming over for one last dinner before you moved away. It was fun and I am glad that we got to spend some time together.
Hope you're having a blast in Grand Prarie.
talk to you soon

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