
Showing posts from 2009

The true Reason for the Season


Short but sweet...

Well, I just wanted to say a few things quickly as the night is coming to a close. I've got a lot accomplished tonight and it feels GREAT! It's so nice to think of coming home tomorrow from work and having really NOTHING to do except for to have FUN and to RELAX! I am soooooo looking foward to Christmas this year! This year has gone so fast, and we have been so blessed! We're especially thankful to be back home around family this year. It's even thus more exciting because we're in our OWN home! How lucky we are to have the beautiful gifts of the season! It's 10:35 and I'm totally exhausted, so I'm off to bed. I hope everyone has a great Christmas! That you can all make many new beautiful memories with your families! That you can remember the true reason for the season. ...and to all a goodnight.

A bummer weekend-not so much... my mom and I get to work Friday and all is good. About 3 hours into work, we get a freak snow storm, and end up having to leave early. Sure, it's always nice to get home and get things done with time that you weren't expecting to have...BUT we had plans Friday night and we were so excited for them! Nothing super exciting to most I suppose, but we were going to finish our Christmas shopping. I love picking up presents and wrapping them under our Christmas Tree. It's so homey and cozy looking. that night was shot. We hoped to go into Lethbridge on Saturday, but the storm just kept getting worse. It snowed, and snowed and SNOWED!! The wind was super bad which doesn't help the situation AT ALL! Don't I sound like such a downer?? Of COURSE I do, I can admit it. The thing is, what turned out to be such a "bummer" weekend, wasn't that at all. We ended up cleaning out or office...which was long over due. We got the house cleaned

Remembering my greatest gift...

Tonight as I was tidying up our home, my mind started to race...about things of the past. This came about from earlier this evening. It all starts off because Richard was asked to give a talk tomorrow, and the topic of his talk is Service. After hearing what he said he was going to speak about, he told me how he was going to end his talk. The greatest service that he was thankful for is me..."serving" a Mission. That is why my mind started "racing". It's the little things like that that help to remind me of my greatest gifts. It reminds me of how lucky I am, which leads to I guess you could say a path down memory lane. Richard and I first met on an evening that I was team teaching with his Step-Mom Jerelyn Roth. We wen't to her home that night to get some medicine, and Richard happened to be their. As far as I'm concerned, that was the first night of the rest of my life. We've been through so many trials and hardships, mainly due to the fac

My Soul Delighteth in the Scriptures...

Today at work, one of my co-workers asked me a question about something in 1st Nephi. I didn't quite know the answer, so tonight I anxiously searched the scriptures for one. While doing this, I got distracted by all of the notes that I have made in my scriptures. All of the different words that were marked with different colors. I started flipping through my Book of mormon, faster and faster. Until I felt this overwhelming feeling of the Spirit. It wasn't the normal feeling that I can when I read my scriptures, or when I hear something warm and fuzzy. It was this enormous high, a feeling like I used to get when I was on my Mission. I literally had to stop reading, searching and pondering the scriptutres and just breathe. I cannot believe how amazing it felt, and it brought back a flood of memories. Never in my life(I regret to say), have I ever felt such a passion about the scriptures than when I was on my Mission. Of course I know why this is, but it was such an ous

Starting to settle in...

So, things are finally starting to come together. If you know me well, you know that I've already put up our Christmas tree/Christmas decorations. It's a Cole family tradition. Anyhow, this is our first Christmas in our own home and I have to tell you that it is GLORIOUS!!! I know that it sounds silly, but it's so nice to be able to do exactly what we want. We have been truly blessed, especially the last 2 months. Work is going well. I'm working at Truehope and LOVING it! It's great. I love the satisfaction of helping other people. Miranda is engaged, and getting married Dec.11, so that's awesome. I'm so excited for her. Adam is her fiance's name and he's great. He will be a wonderful addition to our family. Anyhow, I'm going to jet. I know I haven't posted much, and it's been a few months. But I'll try to get better at it. Here's a few recent pics. of our home...


So...after about 2 1/2 weeks of waiting to hear if we're going to get this trailer...we finally found out today that WE GOT IT! Ok, so I know that the first thought most people think of when they hear "trailer" is well cheap and icky. Our trailer IS NOT that! Seriously. So it has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms(one in which is an ensuite...sweet!!!), huge kitchen/living room, beautiful yard and a shed. We take posession October 1st, I'm so excited. This is such an exciting time for us. We got Richards work permit renewal in the mail last week, which is also exciting. Things are coming together so wonderfully, I mean we know that it's a total blessing. We feel so blessed and SO EXCITED to start this new journey in our own home. SMILE:)

Wonderful Weekend

So...this past weekend was great! Ione(Richards Mom), Jenny(Richards Sister) and her darling daughter came up to visit us! We had a blast, talking about old memories, doing some shopping, cooking up some YUMMY food and just spending time together. We haven't seen them for 3 1/2 years, WAY too long! It was so nice to see them, and don't get me wrong I'm totally thankful that they were able to come up just wasn't enough time! But, I'm thankful that we could be with them, even if it was only two days. It makes us realise how MUCH we miss them! If Richards darn paperwork would HURRY UP and be done, then we could see them more often. It was sure sad saying bye to them this morning. But once again so thankful they came up! Thanks guys, LOVE YOU ALL LOTS!! XOXOXO

New Journey...

Well...we have been TOTALLY blessed sense moving back down to Southern Alberta. I got a job working with my mom in Raymond for a company called True Hope. I TOTALLY LOVE IT! So I've been there for almost 3 weeks and it's been a "slow liking". But that's just mainly because of the training process. There's so much to learn that it can be very overwhelming. But, just these last few days I've been training on doing Information calls and it's been really neat, now that I feel confident enough to take a call by myself. It may seem silly to some for me to say that, but it's so nice!! Richard and I have LOVED having a life again...we've forgotten what that's been like. Anyhow...just wanted to post and say that we're still alive and I'll update some more later. Hope you all are doing great!

Another Part of our Journey

So...we've lived in Grande Prairie for almost a year now. I know that we were meant to move up here, I'm not sure why, but that doesn't matter to me. We did what we felt was right for us at the time. So we find ourselves in similar circumstances, as we've decided to move back Magrath. What really started us on this idea was because Richards work permit expires at the end of this month, and we have yet to get his renewal back to us yet. So as you can see, we didn't have much choice, but I believe that things are working out the way they're supposed to. We've had a really tough year...REALLY TOUGH!!!! It's really hard being so far away from family. So, we'll be moving back and staying with my parents until Richard can work again. We're so excited to be with family. One thing I for sure have learned is how much I love and appreciate my family. They mean so much to me. I'm so thankful for them, and CAN'T WAIT to be with

some of my favorite things...

Me again...just wanted to show you a few of my fav. pics from our vacation. I took a lot so that's why I must pick only but a few, lol. Enjoy!! Fred and Jerelyn Mom and Richard... adorable Dad and hard to say bye:( Richard...goin' for a ride, lol peek-a-boo Easton and Jackson Mackenzie and Avery...playing with the freakish caterpillars Easton and Me Being silly So that's all for now...maybe I'll up load some more l8er! Have a great night!!!)


WHOAH...ok it's been a super long time sense I've blogged last. Sorry about that. We've been super busy lately, which is good I suppose. We "started" our summer by going on vacation to Magrath to spend time with our family. It was an awesome visit. We hadn't told anyone that we were going down their except for my mom, so we had everyone surprised. It was funny because when we showed up at my dads front door(work door cuz he works on weekends) he did a double take because he was so surprised, it was awesome. We had a lot of fun. There's a lot we did, and I don't have much time to "inform" you all rite now, but I'll forsure fill you in a day or two. It was also really neat because once Jer. and Fred found out that we were down in that area, they decided to take off after work and drive up from Idaho to see us, which was totally awesome of them!!! So, we had a great vacation. Then we get to go back down to visit for our second wee
Hopefully this works, this is my attempt at playing Bellas Lullaby. I recorded it on my keyboard with the piano settings and then played and recorded over top of that with the strings settings. I know it's not perfect, but it was fun:)


Ok, so it's now less than 2 months until I get to see I said in my previous post I'm mostely excited to see all of my nieces and nephews. Mellis ( my oldest sis. ), posted this pic. on her facebook and I TOTALLY love it. It's of Hayley and she looks gorgeous! She's only 5, almost six. I can't believe that. She's in kindergarten and they do a lot of fun days at school. She's dressed up in this picture for "school spirit day" because their school colors are blue and gold. She cracks me up. Nothing too exciting has gone on here sense my last post. It's getting to be beautiful weather here so I'll start taking a lot of pictures soon. Ok ttyl

A little of this, a little of that....'s been WAY too long eh? I know, I know I'm a slacker!!! lol . But really things have been so crazy around here lately. Mainly because a few weeks ago we rented Twilight...which was the day I became DOOMED. I totally love the went out and bought all of the books. That's what I've been doing with most of my time, reading the books and re-watching the movie. I know, so pathetic. I've just totally become consumed with the story. I love how "in love" they are. Not the mushy, squeeling kinda freaking out "in love", but the true part of it. I know, I'm a sap what can I say??? But really though, I really enjoy it all, so far my fav. book is Eclipse, and I'm about 200 pages away from finsihing Breaking Dawn. Anyways...So we're taking a vacation in June and I'm SOOOOOOOOOOO excited!!! I'm really excited to see my family, it's been WAY too long. Not that I don't miss my siblings and parents, but
Well...yesterday were at Wal-Mart(I exciting), and they had a desk on sale for $70.00. I've wanted somewhere to do my scrapbooking for a long time, but I was not going to spend a lot of $$$! Anyhow, so we bought the desk, and it is. There's still some stuff I'm going to do with it, but over the next few days I'll primp it up. So, I called Mellissa's today and of course Hayley answered like she always does. We ended up talking on the phone for almost an hour! I love that kid, she's the best. So, I made her this little card which happens to be the first thing I've made on my new here it is I think it turned out fun. I'm so excited to start scrapbooking again, it's going to be great.

Totally Random...

So...we had such beautiful weather on Saturday, that we thought the nice weather was here...we were DEAD Seriously though, it has snowed so much over the last two days. It's kind of depressing, it feels like the snow is never going to go away. Ah well, what can you do right? So nothing too exciting is going on. We've been doing some more work in our apartment...a little here, a little there. It looks fantastic if I do say so myself. We've also been doing a lot of Missionary Work lately, which has been very rewarding. It's ironic because the Elders have been coming over here a lot, to do member lessons or for dinner. Of course they ask us every time they're here if we know someone we can refer to them. We know they're going to ask, and I regret saying that I've complained about how "pushy" or "forward" they're being...but the ironic thing is is that every time they ask us, we give them a name...last time it was th
Hopless... So here I am, it's 4:41am and I'm wide awake. Unfortunately I still feel sick. Yesterday at 2:30am I started getting pretty sick, being sick to my stomach that is still present up until now even. It's so frustrating. I think feeling nautious is one of the worst feelings! I'm just completely drained. I know...murmur, murmur, What is also frustrating is that my stomach screams that it's hungry, but when I try to eat I just can't seem to get it down. So...we'll see how today goes...hopefully I'll start to feel better ?!
Ok, so I know that it's only mid February, but let me tell you, I am SO ready for spring to come. I wish the weather would just make up it's mind. I mean don't get me wrong I loved our warm spell a few weeks ago, but the hard thing with that is when it get's super cold out again it hits you that much harder ya know? So I'd rather have it be one temperature and stay that way then have it all over the place. I was talking to Mary Ann(my best friend) last night on the phone, and we were just saying how excited we are to wear sandles...doesn't it sound lovely?? We sure think so, and the very idea of it is glorious!!

A little of this, a little of that

So, I uploaded a few pics. that I've taken recently. It's nothing exciting, but I thought I'd upload them anyway:) Here's a pic. of Richard...we had a pipe break and he was fixing it...and doing so very I posted some pics. a while back that had some log stacks, they're HUGE now, it's really neat. So I had to post this pic. and show off the hat that my sister Mellissa made me. I totally love it, she did a fantastic job!! Thanks Mellis:) Well, that's it for now. I told you it was nothing exciting. Richard has to speak in church tomorrow, so I'm going to try and help him wrap up his talk. This is the first time having to speak in church where it's not both of us's going to be nice.

The day of Love...

So sadly, I have nothing exciting to report. Our lives have been really busy lately and by the time we come home from work at the end of the day we're so tired, mentally and physically, that we just stay at home and relax. I know, that sounds incredibly boring, but didn't you know that that's who we are?! Lol. Anyhow...I'm excited for tomorrow...Valentines Day. We're trying to be sensible and so were not spending a lot of money on each other, we're trying to make it a more meaningful holiday this year. So we'll spend the day together, probably just cuddle on the couch watching movies and relaxing. That's one of the things I love about our relationship. We don't have to go "all out" to make it fun. Some of our favorite things to do is sit at home and relax, and just being together. To a lot of people that would be so boring, but to us it's great. I love that we can just be ourselves together. Richard is so wonderful and I lov


So Richard and I have lived in Grande Prairie, Ab for almost 6 months, and I think I've done really well so far with the whole homesick thing. But lately I have been having a hard time being so far away from my family. I really miss them all TONS, and it's been kind of hard. Hayley(my niece) calls me and will sit their and chat with me on the phone for over an hour and of course that makes me miss her TONS, well of course I miss ALL of my nieces and nephews. This posting I suppose is more of me complaining, but ah well right? We all do it!

Getting to Know You...

L-R-Brooklyn, Emma, Mason and Josh L-R-Eathen M., Ethen F., Isabell, Alex The whole group So today I had a little party for my primary class at our apartment. With the new year just starting, I thought it would be fun to have a "get to know you" party. I know that most of the kids know each other, but I don't. It was lots of fun. Each of the kids brought their most prized possession and had a chance to show it to everyone. We had lots of fun games and we were super busy the whole time. Seven children showed up in total. If everyone had showed up, I would have had 11 kids!! It was lots of fun, but I am definitely exhausted!! I could sure use a

A very long and painful week...

So last week I had a horrible cough, that finally went away this past Sunday. I was very happy to have it done and over with! Then comes this past Tuesday(Jan.6th)at 2:30am and I got a fever. Well that fever lasted until today. I haven't checked my temp. sense this morning, but I'm pretty sure it's gone. At least I hope it is. Along with my fever came strep throat...and canker sores all over my mouth. I can barely swallow, water even. This is the worst I've felt in a long time! I'm trying to be patient, but I'm not doing a very good job, I know. I got my prescription filled today so with real meds. hopefully I'll get over this bug by the end of the weekend, keep your fingers crossed:)